Posts by Craig Ballantyne
Change Your Mind About This
First, a story… Sunday was NOT a Perfect Day… I left California at 11am, and I could feel a bit of a cold coming on. (I’m sniffling right now.) That day a major snowstorm moved into Toronto (the same one that dumped inches upon our dear TT readers in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Illinois). Because of…
Read More#1 Step in Marketing
Meet Marketing Mark. Mark is 34 years old. He works in Scranton, Pennsylvania at a job he dislikes, for a boss that he hates, at a company that would make The Office look like one of America’s best places to work. Each day at 4:30 p.m. (or some days a few minutes earlier if his…
Read MoreMarketing for Wives and Children
You might know the name Barbara Corcoran. She built a real estate empire in New York City, sold it in 2001 just before 9/11, and today is one of the famed panel on the television show, “Shark Tank.” But in my opinion, what she did in 2005 yielded the biggest lesson she can teach us.…
Read MoreHow to Beat Anxiety
Over 40 million Americans struggle with anxiety, and it can cripple your mind and body. I know from personal experience. Ten years ago, I struggled with it severely. For six weeks straight, it made me feel like I was having a heart attack. Tingles ran from the top of my head down to my fingertips.…
Read MoreCool Thing I’m Doing Today
Finally. Only one year too late… I’m going into the studio today to record the audio book version of The Perfect Day Formula. I know. I know. I should have done this last year when it came out. But let me explain a few things… First, sometimes you just have to draw the line… there’s…
Read MoreSuccessful People Get Up at 5 a.m. (Here’s How You Can)
Getting up earlier than everyone else allows you to get ahead of the world, to reduce stress and anxiety, to be more creative, and even improve your health.
Read More7-Minute Perfect Day Workout Circuit
Woof! Woof! Ol’ Bally the Dog here and there are only 100 more sleeps until Christmas. (Don’t forget, I sleep 5 times per day!) I’m really woofing forward to Christmas. It’s the PERFECT day… lots of treats, sleeps, and belly rubs. And then on December 28th I turn 11 (human) years old. Here I am…
Read MoreGet to Know Me (and Bieber)
101! That’s how many interviews, radio shows, and podcasts I’ve done this year to promote my book, The Perfect Day Formula. This virtual book tour has helped me sell thousands of copies, but more importantly, I’ve become a better storyteller, a better speaker, and a better writer because of it. And I’m going to do…
Read More[Special invite] Insane Fat Burning Workout
Happy 1st! Today is another perfect chance to change your life. There’s still time to achieve some big goals in 2016… so let’s make the next 30 days count. Here’s how I can help. We have something called the 21-Day Habit Change Accountability Club. It’s a private group on Facebook, and the habit change club…
Read More21-Day Challenge for You
Here’s a special invite for you. I recently started a new private Facebook group (it’s free for readers like you), where the members commit to making a 21-day habit change. So far I’ve used it to stop consuming artificial sweeteners and to start a daily habit of reading from a book for 20-minutes every day.…
Read More4-Minute Abs
My cousin Kelly just had her second baby. “Craig, what can I do to strengthen my abs before I go back to work?” she asked. Kelly’s a paramedic. She needs strong abs to protect her back. Heck, we all need strong abs to protect our backs. So the advice I gave her works for you…
Read MoreTurkey Day EXTREME Fat Burner (videos!!!)
Tuesday morning it was 54 degrees in my garage gym up here in Canada. I let Bally the Dog out the bark door to go roll in the snow outside. While he went out to play, I tried out this year’s annual Thanksgiving Day TT Extreme Fat Burner. You’re going to love it. Do this…
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