How to Be Your Best Self

Funny how some things were meant to be. It was a gorgeous April morning in Miami. Twelve of us had spent the previous night enjoying dinner at the Italian restaurant, Il Gabbiano, followed by a Miami Heat basketball game as part of a guy’s weekend trip away. The next morning in the hotel I went…

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Habits and Plans of Successful People

In my last essay, I gave you an exclusive look inside my daily routine. Let’s pick up where we left off and look at how I schedule my afternoons. After a morning filled with writing, exercise, and time with the dog, I break at 12:30 PM. Lunch is a spartan affair, usually smoked salmon on a…

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Ben Franklin’s Biggest Regret

In 1736 the unthinkable happened. Ben Franklin, long an opponent of inoculating children against Smallpox, lost his son Franky to the disease. Losing a child must be the greatest burden a parent could bear, but to do so in this manner surely yielded extra heartache to Franklin and his wife Deborah, who had born no…

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5 Deadly and Fattening Ingredients NEVER to Eat

Bad news. Very bad news. You probably have all 5 of these deadly, fattening ingredients in your kitchen right now. Some of them might have been in last night’s dinner, and if you love peanut butter, one of them might be in Sunday morning’s breakfast. But you should NEVER eat these, because they are doing…

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My Daily Routine for 2015

In 1851, Victor Hugo, the author of Les Miserables, was living on the island of Guernsey.  His daily routine could only be described as cartoonishly virile. He rose at dawn, drank his morning coffee, ate two raw eggs, and wrote until 11:00 AM while standing at a small desk overlooking the English Channel. After writing, Hugo moved…

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How to Become a High-Performance Legend

As a boy, our hero was plagued with poor health. He was weak and often sick, miserably addicted to sugar and junk food. But his life – and our world – changed at the age of 15 when he heard a speech from health food pioneer Paul Bragg. The young man, Jack LaLanne, was so…

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1 Diet Better than Paleo

I’ll be honest, I eat pretty close to a Paleo diet, but it’s not perfect for YOU, not even close. Unless you have true dietary-related illness (like I do), then you do NOT need to be so restrictive. Still, there’s something to be said for cutting out the junk. Take a look at two ‘celebrities’…

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