My FAKE food breakfast (do NOT make this mistake)
Yesterday was a recovery day for me. So after my morning meditation done at sunrise, ol’ Bally the Dog and I went on a long walk. We started on the farm and worked our way through a nearby cemetary and down into the old forest that hugs the Avon river. That’s where we came across a turtle sitting in our path. It was a big’un, but we left it undisturbed (it was in no hurry to go anywhere, LOL!).
Unfortunately, the skitters (mosquitos) didn’t leave me undisturbed. After suffering plenty of bites, we exited the woods and walked past my old high-school. It looked liked nothing had changed since I graduated in ’89. After a quick walk through the Shakespearean flower gardens, kept nicely for the tourists that visit our Stratford Festival (and for the Justin Bieber walking tour), Bally and I eagerly turned home in search of breakfast.
While Bally wolfed down his kibble, I did 10 minutes of yoga with Missi Holt, CTT. Her trademarked yoga videos have helped me eliminate chronic pain in my hips and low back while eliminating the stress that usually builds up because of work deadlines. Thank you for your program, Missi! (PS – Stay tuned for a free gift from Missi tomorrow and Sunday!) Missi has my body feeling strong and in natural alignment, all ready for tomorrow’s big TT workout. After yoga, it was time to eat.
Now here’s where things get embarrassing…I had an unplanned cheat today. In fact, you could say that my breakfast was full of ‘fake’ paleo foods, proving that I can find a way to cheat on any diet. It was processed paleo, LOL! Please don’t judge me too harshly. 😉
I had 2 big almond butter sandwiches using Paleo bread (honey-raisin flavor) from Julian Bakery and I washed that down with a big Paleo Protein shake (Ancient Cacao flavored).
But let’s be honest. These were fake paleo foods. Both the bread and protein powder have so much stevia in them that they are probably giving me diabetes. They are so sweet, but I love it! I was born with a raging sweet tooth (thanks Dad), and even though these Paleo foods allow me to justify that I was “eating healthy”, the truth is that I should have made better choices. The sandwiches left me sleepy. I had to energize myself with a big mug of Green Tea to get through the morning. More LOL!
Here’s a better way to eat breakfast <= 100+ proven Paleo breakfast recipes for fat loss
Tomorrow I’ll be back to making the right nutrition decisions. So don’t make the same mistakes as I did. Don’t justify eating “dessert for breakfast” with your breads, cereals, muffins, pancakes, and waffles. After all, muffins are really just mini-cakes, you know that, right? And pancakes are just flattened cake. (Sorry Mikey Whitfield!)
And by eating a better breakfast tomorrow, I’ll be thinking clearer, have more energy, and be stronger, fitter, and healthier. Join me in making the right decisions for our health today.
Make the right decisions and stay strong,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
PS – If you want to get ahead…
…tomorrow morning it all starts with how you end your day tonight. Make the right decisions, right now, for your right life.
Get the perfect Paleo breakfast recipes for fat loss and clear thinking
Stay focused. Stick to your plan. Take action.
Believe in yourself. Hang around winners. Lead others. Have courage.
Be persistent. Never quit. No excuses.
“Whatever a great man (or woman) does, the world follows. Whatever standards he sets, the world pursues.” – The Bhagavad Gita
PPS – Stay tuned for free gifts from Missi Holt all weekend!
Missi will be dropping by to show us how to eliminate physical and mental pain and stress from our lives – for free. Watch your email tomorrow and Sunday morning for her gifts.