Insane 4-Minute Abs Workout

Here it is: The “lost” abs workout from the TT Summit. It will rock your core and give you the firm, flat sexy abs you’ve been looking for. And it doesn’t require any cardio or 30-minute crunch sessions (which break your back and leave you with a pain in the neck).

This is next level ab training. It’s scientifically proven to work and protect your back. Enjoy!

1A) RKC Plank – 40 seconds
1B) X-Body Mountain Climber (alternating) – 40 seconds
1C) Rock Plank – 40 seconds
1D) Side Plank – 40 seconds per side
• Rest 20 seconds between exercises and between sides.
• Go through the circuit once for insane 4-minute abs.
• Go through the circuit twice for “out of this world” abs!

That’s it. Short and sweet today. But I’ll be back with an amazing free bonus for you on Friday of this week. You’re going to love it.

Consider it my 40th birthday present to you. 😉

Talk soon,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
Creator, 6 Minutes to Skinny
Owner of ol’ Bally the Dog  

PS – If you want to accomplish anything…

…you must get out of your comfort zone.

To get something you’ve never had…

…you must do something you’ve never done.

To change your body…

…you must change your habits.

To change your habits…

…you must change your belief in yourself.

To change your beliefs and habits…

…you must change your plan.

Use this plan to change your body – FAST – in just 14 days

You can do it. I believe in YOU!
