Posts by Craig Ballantyne
4 Keys to Profitable Partnerships
Back in 2001, when I first started my career in Information Marketing, doing a Joint Venture (JV) meant something quite different than it does now. Today, everyone thinks a JV refers to Affiliate Marketing. But that’s not what it is. A true Joint Venture is where you partner with someone on a product or business. For example,…
Read More[Uncensored] 5 Exercise Metabolic Kickstarter Circuit
Last week Women’s Health magazine contacted me for a unique bodyweight exercise. I sent them a dozen moves you’ve never seen before… But they rejected my exercises over and over and over again. Why? Because they don’t have pictures of my unique moves in their database to use in the magazine article (that’s how unique…
Read More5 Best Exercise Swaps To Make Today (your problems solved)
“Hey Craig, I can’t do __insert exercise here___!” That’s the most common complaint about my Monday free workout emails. I understand. Sometimes it’s a missing piece of equipment, other times one of my weird exercises causes confusion. Today you’re getting an EPIC exercise substitution list to eliminate all the obstacles to your fat burning success.…
Read MoreHey, Think About This
We are going to go deep today. It has nothing to do with email clicks and everything to do with the rest of your life. Let’s talk about… The Fight. You have a devil on your shoulder. An angel on the other. So do I. We all do. And they are fighting. The Devil wants…
Read More15-Minute Daniel Craig Bodyweight Workout
It’s finally here. The next Bond movie. I’m a fan. A big fan. Last year for Christmas I bought myself all the Bond movies on DVD for just $40. And….. I haven’t even opened the packaging yet. LOL. Oh well… there’s always this Christmas! Now I want to give YOU an early Christmas present today…
Read MoreWisdom from One of My Mentors
Alright, it’s day TWO of my weekend Mastermind and Info Workshop down here in California… Last couple of nights have been late, catching up with all the attendees at the bar, and so I didn’t have time to write you a full recap yet. However… I know how important it is to be consistent. That’s…
Read More10-Minute Morning Fat Burner
Can you see it? Just up ahead… It’s the finish line for 2015. Think for a moment… have you hit your big goals and dreams this year? If not, it’s okay. I haven’t hit all my goals, either. But I know one thing… there’s a LOT of time for us to succeed. So don’t give…
Read MoreQuitting the Internet: Why You Need an Internet-Free Day
A step-by-step approach to going Internet-free and ‘quitting the internet’ for at least one day a week, which can produce a slew of productive benefits.
Read More10-minute Friday Fat Burner workout (print this out)
I haven’t felt that bad since a college frat party. Porsche kicked the daylights out of me on Saturday afternoon. You’ll find out why, along with the BEST “eating out” plan, and an AMAZING fat burning workout (to print out) in today’s fun Friday update. Let’s start with a little tour… Here you get to…
Read MoreWhy You Should Start at the Bottom
The year was 1999. The scene was the computer lab in the Kinesiology building at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. I remember it was a bitterly cold January day. Big fat snowflakes were falling gently outside. It was just me and Andrew in the computer lab. He was the IT guy, seemingly there 24/7,…
Read More3 Exercise Circuit To Boost Metabolism
Ugh. I have a Love-Hate relationship with my local gym. I love going in there… it’s been my home gym since I started lifting back in 1992. Some of the machines, weight plates, and dumbbells (and many of the people and staff!) are the same as when I first walked in as a know-nothing-know-it-all skinny…
Read MoreThe #1 Secret to MASSIVE Success (MUST READ)
Warning. Bedros gets a little intense in this one. But if you hold on tight, it’s worth it. Enjoy! – Craig *** The #1 Secret to MASSIVE Success (MUST READ) By Bedros Keuilian You’d think it’s marketing, sales, client retention, or referral generation… You’d think it’s staying on the cutting edge of social media, SEO,…
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