#1 Exercise to Do for 2017
My friend Anna had a good year. She opened a second location for her business, bought a new house, and even took her first real vacation in years. But she’s still not satisfied. She knows she’s capable of something more.
“Craig,” she said on our phone call, “I’m just feeling so overwhelmed. I know I could open another location, but I’m already sacrificing my weekends, and my boyfriend’s getting annoyed with how many nights I spend on email. I thought all of this success and opportunity was supposed to be a good thing!”
I hear this story all the time from high achievers like Anna. You might feel the same way.
While you had a good year, you also know that something has to change. After all, you sacrificed a lot this year. Maybe, unlike Anna, you didn’t take that big vacation.
Maybe, like Anna, you worked too many weekends. Maybe you feel more overwhelmed than overjoyed right now. Worst of all, you’re getting the “you work too much” guilt trip more than ever.
That’s okay. We can fix this. You can have it all.
One thing that’s often missing from my client’s big plans is CLARITY. When you have so much opportunity in your life, you tend to struggle with mental clutter and anxiety from an overwhelming to-do list. As a result, your vision suffers. You don’t give your preparation and planning the focus it deserves. This lack of clarity leaves you muddling through murky waters.
To fix this, we must do THE EXERCISE. I learned this from Dan Kennedy in 2009.
Step #1 – “Disclose where you would like to be but aren’t,” Kennedy says. “The human mind needs a destination to navigate and move toward, and the CLEARER the destination, the better the progress.”
Step #2 – Write down why you are NOT there. Be brutally honest about where and why you are falling short.
Step #3 – Take a look at your actions and your goals. Are they aligned or mismatched? Are you saying that you want one thing (quality time with family) but moving in the opposite direction (taking on more projects and work trips)?
I spend time each week meditating on these questions. This has given clarity to my life. Earlier this year I recognized that I no longer wanted to be creating new products or making new videos in the fitness industry. Instead, I wanted to spend 100% of my working time on teaching the next level concepts from my new Perfect Life Formula to other high achievers, like you. That meant I had to make big changes in my business, and I had to create a crystal clear vision so I could move forward fast on my new path in life.
“A field of grace seems to form around us when we commit ourselves to something that satisfies our souls,” writes Dr. Gay Hendricks in his book, Conscious Living. “Invisible pathways open up through the universe. We meet people who are on a similar path, and we are given forms of assistance that seem like Magic.”
YES! This is so true. When you have your big breakthrough, everything begins to feel natural and easy. You enter your Zone of Genius.
I’ve discovered my magic by digging deep into my heart and mind to figure out exactly what I’ve been put here on earth to do. You can do this too. You MUST do this. It might not become clear overnight, and you’ll have to set aside your ego and ask yourself difficult questions during the journey, but you will have a BIG breakthrough when you commit to going through an intense period of self-discovery.
To figure out your WHY, to give you CLARITY about your path, ask yourself these tough questions. Set aside your ego and dig DEEP into your heart and soul.
- Start by identifying what you really want. Is it more money, or do you need more time, stronger relationships, or better health?
- Be clear and concise about how you measure success. What really matters?
- Boldly describe what your future family and career look like. Do NOT hold back!
- Be just as clear about what you will NOT do as what you will do.
- Describe how you, your family, your community, and your team feel about the work you are doing and the impact you are having.
- What kind of people do you need to hire or connect with for your business and family?
- What is the #1 accomplishment you want to achieve in 2017 (personal and professional)?
- And most important of all… What do you want your life’s LEGACY to be?
After following my own advice and answering these questions, I discovered what really mattered to me. I decided to change my business, to move out of the fitness industry, and to concentrate on helping high-performers get extraordinary results in every area of life.
This led me to create my Perfect Life Workshop. At these intimate coaching sessions (each is limited to 5 attendees), I help you eliminate mental clutter and get more mental clarity. This will be my life’s legacy.
I look forward to helping you at a workshop in the future. And if you’re finding yourself at a kind of a crossroads where new decisions are in order, if you feel you have a tendency to take on too much, or if you know that you have untapped potential, then you need more mental clarity and less mental clutter, this is EXACTLY what you need.
Please watch the video I’ve made for you at PerfectLifeWorkshop.com. If you think you’re ready to take your life to the next level and achieve extraordinary results in your business and career, fill out the application form below the video.
“It is hard to put into words what I gained from this experience. My priorities are laser focused, and I have a clear plan to dominate my time and make my vision a reality. The energy of this group was exceptional and I gained much from being with the others. Thank you, Craig. You have done something truly remarkable with this program. I am thrilled to see how it is going to change my life.” – Megan Kruger
“This Perfect Life Workshop was a game changer… and I’ve been working on myself, my structure and my entrepreneurial clarity for a decade. One breakthrough from the workshop is going to be worth $750K in new income to me over the next 12 months. I don’t know of any other ONE thing that can give a person so much focus, clarity and structure to live a perfect life and have a perfect business. Do whatever you have to in order to make it out to Craig’s next event!” – Bedros Keuilian