New 40-Second Fat Burner (free follow-along video)

Hey, don’t get mad, but I’m playing hooky today (because I worked all weekend on a new secret project). So today we’re calling in the one-and-only Missi Holt. She is so amazing. And not only is she giving you her 40-second fat burners, but she’s even made a follow-along video just to kick-start your week!…

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New 4-Minute Miracle Fat Burning Workout

You’re being lied to. Again. This time I’m not talking about how the giant food corporations lie to you about what’s in your favorite foods, or how they sneak in toxic ingredients (like trans-fats) that make you sick and unhealthy… It’s not another lie about how cardio machines overestimate the number of calories you burn…

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We Need To Talk

Last week was stressful. Really stressful. I traveled from Toronto to Denver, had a valuable team member quit, was interviewed for Russian television (long story), and I threw a medicine ball that hit me square in the face (even longer story, LOL). But I refuse to call it a “bad week”. You see, my friend,…

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Your Sunday Diet Sermon from CB (good news)

On Tuesday morning, as I sat at the kitchen table out on the farm and prepared for a week of travel, first to Toronto and then to Denver, I thought of you… I read my Daily Guiding Documents, a series of inspirational quotes and rules for living. They are like scripture to me, and not…

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Your Future

Imagine. It is a sunny Sunday morning. You are in your garden, tending to your tomatoes. Gardening is more than just a hobby, it is a reminder of the innocence of your childhood, when there was time to enjoy life, to do things slowly — when you had no cares in the world. But now…

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7 Things to Do In Honor of My Mentor’s Memory

Bill Campbell, known as the “Coach of Silicon Valley,” passed away on Monday, April 18th. I never had a chance to meet this man, as our worlds didn’t cross paths, but he was — and remains — a role model to me. Campbell was a mentor to many of the biggest names in tech, including Steve…

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How to Warm-Up

Let’s say that you want to burn fat with short workouts. How should you warm-up? How should you cool-down? Let’s take a look at that today, using Coach Bally the Dog as an example. Every morning, just after sunrise, he and I head out into the backyard on the farm. There’s a big cornfield back…

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9 Super Stretches to Fix Your Pain and Injury

If you’re suffering from pain or an old nagging injury, then it’s probably stopping you from doing the things you love. Maybe you can’t garden like you used to… or you have to sit down every 30 minutes when you’re out raking the leaves… or you can no longer play a full 18 holes of…

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3 Secrets to Happiness

One morning, a friend called me in distress about her relationship with her boyfriend. There was one misunderstanding after another, and now they weren’t talking. After 20 minutes we worked out a plan and I’ll share it below. But it got me thinking about how easy it is for us to slip from what I call,…

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Friday’s Funny Workout

oops, totally forgot this in Wednesday’s Jane Fonda workout update! I meant to give you a short 2-minute fat burning finisher to demonstrate the power of putting Turbulence on your muscles to activate the Afterburn Fat Signal. So here goes… Friday’s Funny Fat Burning Finisher – Do not rest between exercises. 1A) *Punisher Squat –…

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10-Minute Super ARMS and ABS “Pump” Workout

Forgive me ladies, for I have workout-sinned. Today is the workout version of manspreading. Haha. I’m sorry. It just is. It’s a super sexy circuit with Tony Stark snark, with Arnold attitude, and with more pumps than a sugar-filled Starbucks drink. But of course, I know a lot of TT ladies that will love it…

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3 Biggest Mistakes You’ll Make in Business

Early in the Easter story, just before he is betrayed by Judas, Jesus says to Peter in the Garden of Gethsemane,“You will deny me three times before the cock crows.”Peter shakes his head. “Never, my Lord.” But sure enough, after Jesus goes off in the darkness to pray, Peter is approached by the Romans and…

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