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The Massive Money Maker

By Craig Ballantyne | 01/15/2015

 This is the greatest part of an Internet business.I call it making money with friends.Others call it “affiliate marketing”. Clearly, my term is better. This is the last step in helping you make a lot of sales. Enjoy and let me know how this checklist has allowed you to breakthrough…


The Most Important Wealth Secret You’ll Ever Learn

By Chris Hunter | 01/14/2015

What you are about to read flies in the face of everything your stockbroker or Wall Street adviser will tell you. It’s about the closest thing to heresy you can get in the investing world… and the newsletter business. It’s also a key insight if you want to stay wealthy…

Choosing The Best Life

Choosing the Best Possible Life

By Mark Morgan Ford | 01/13/2015

Someone once said that the three most important decisions in life answer the following questions: 1. What are you going to do? 2. With whom? 3. And where? I thought that was pretty nifty when I first encountered it 15 years ago. Today, I still think it is practical wisdom…

The #1 Apprentice in The History of America

The #1 Apprentice in The History of America

By Craig Ballantyne | 01/12/2015

The most successful apprentice in the history of America was Ben Franklin, who only came to writing after a failed attempt in another industry.


The Best Type of Product Launch to Do First

By Craig Ballantyne | 01/9/2015

Most folks try to do a Product Launch the wrong way. It ends up failing and they get frustrated and they give up on Internet Marketing. That’s the LAST thing I want you to do…so here’s what you need to do FIRST. It’s called an Internal Product Launch. Okay, so…


How to Create Your Product

By Craig Ballantyne | 01/6/2015

This is simple. Might be the easiest part of making money online. So easy that some folks spend way too much time on it, “perfecting things”. Don’t! Do not let this step slow you down. Move fast and keep the momentum going. Don’t let Product Creation be the bottleneck for…


How to Get Ahead at Work

By Cooper the CEO | 01/6/2015

Do you want to get ahead in your organization? In today’s essay, I’ll tell you how to become a superstar employee. I’ll start by sharing two stories with you about employees who recently displayed excellence in my business. Last month we held a massive customer appreciation event. On the day…


Sales Copy Questions to Ask Your Mom

By Craig Ballantyne | 01/5/2015

Ok, I’ll admit it, I’ve never actually asked this question to my mother, but it’s something you could ask yours if she fits your target audience. Hey Mom, does this make sense? Of course, you could ask any beginner in your market place. But the key is to have a…


How to Write Your Copy BEFORE You Create the Product

By Craig Ballantyne | 01/2/2015

This might sound like something Benjamin Button would do. It seems totally backwards, but trust me, it works. Before you create your product, you need to figure out how to sell it first. Let’s continue our online money-making checklist with copywriting… Step #3 – Create Your Sales Copy Before You…


One Step Program for a Better Life

By Bob Irish | 01/2/2015

A few years back, author and fitness guru Dr. Marcia Hootman was in a tailspin. She was headed for divorce, her health was suffering, and her teenage son had become increasingly distant. But in the midst of it all she discovered something—a simple technique that changed her life. It’s a…


Checklist: How to Make Money Online

By Craig Ballantyne | 01/1/2015

Over the next 14 days you’re going to get the exact money-making checklist I gave to the 300 attendees of our Info Summit workshop. This plan will give you a proven checklist to set up your website, create your copy, finish your product, and make some sales – all in…


10 Marketing Tips from Dan Kennedy

By Craig Ballantyne | 12/24/2014

 Merry Christmas Eve, my friend. Today…a secret gift from my vault…print this out and put it in your stocking. It will be the most valuable gift you receive this year. It’s made me a lot of money in the last 7 years. You see, every morning I review 12 secret…