Checklist: How to Make Money Online

Over the next 14 days you’re going to get the exact money-making checklist I gave to the 300 attendees of our Info Summit workshop. This plan will give you a proven checklist to set up your website, create your copy, finish your product, and make some sales – all in less than 30 days.

Don’t wait. Don’t debate. Don’t hesitate. Just do it.

Take MASSIVE Action.

The Free Checklist will make getting started as easy as possible. You’ll get my secrets for setting up your website and the checklist will save you money (the website design portion will easily save you $1000 or more) so that you get to your first sale FAST.

Step #1 – Blog Website Design Checklist
– Your website should be designed so that a visitor knows exactly what you have to offer.

– The banner at the top of your website should be thin so that it does not take up valuable real estate.

– Create a free video or report to offer visitors if they give you their email address. This will allow you to build an email newsletter list.

– This offer should be made in the top right or top center of your website.

– Be clear and concise about what your website is about and what your free information will help them achieve.

– NOTE: You should NOT be coding your website. This must be outsourced. Find an expert on Craigslist,, or

– Here is a great example to model. This is Bedros Keuilian’s blog It offers a great free report and helps him build his email newsletter list


– Maximize the words above the fold (the space you see without scrolling).

– Minimize the white space or useless graphics or unnecessary/boring text.

Step #2 – Sales Page Design
– Your sales page might be a separate website from your blog or it could simply be a page on your blog’s website.

For example, if your blog is and you sell VIP concert experiences, your sales page might be on your blog at Or you could have a different domain name and website, such as

– Either way, your website and sale pages must be designed so that a visitor knows exactly what you have to offer. Don’t be cute. Be clear.

– Here is the sales page for my top converting offer. The page has a short headline and a Video Sales Letter (VSL). That’s it. Nothing else. There are no other choices for the visitor. There is nothing to get them sidetracked. We simply want them to watch the video. If someone is interested, they will watch. If they are not interested, it’s no big deal if they leave because they would not have become a customer.

– Here’s the link to this clear and concise video sales letter page.

– Video sales letters (VSL) are extremely effective, but they require more technology assistance (from people that you can find on,, and Written sales letters will work. These are easy to set up and they work very well, too.

– Once you have a written sales letter up and making sales, then start working on your VSL. When it is done, start split-testing to see which works better.

– Your written sales page should be clear and concise. Here’s one of the sales pages from our friend Mike Geary’s website. Mike’s sales page starts as an article and finishes with sales copy and a buy button (the buy button is the Call-to-Action).


– Bonus Tip: Make Your Checkout Page Consistent With Sales Page
– When you click the buy button on Mike’s site, you go to a checkout page that has the same banner at the top. This boosts the trust and credibility of your website. Mike uses, and it’s very easy to set this up with Clickbank’s system.

Alright, that will keep you busy for a bit. Find the right people to start working on designing your website while you get ready to work on your copy. That’s what we’ll look at tomorrow.

Enjoy this Checklist to making money online fast,

Craig Ballantyne

Do NOT re-invent the wheel. Just model what works … and Bedros and I know what works better than anyone in the industry. If you want our secrets to what works, join us in Miami on Wednesday, January 7th. There is a single spot left at the HALF-OFF investment for the life-changing 1-day Mastermind. If you are serious about success in 2015, we’ll see you there.

Email to reserve your spot today!