10 Marketing Tips from Dan Kennedy

 Merry Christmas Eve, my friend. Today…a secret gift from my vault…print this out and put it in your stocking. It will be the most valuable gift you receive this year. It’s made me a lot of money in the last 7 years.

You see, every morning I review 12 secret guiding documents. One of them is from Dan Kennedy, and today’s tip was simply, “Create Experiences”. That tip reminded me to be a better storyteller and inspires me to improve every influential email that I send to my readers.

I’ve gone through this secret list over 150 times since I first copied it from one of grumpy ol’ Kennedy’s newsletters. It was originally from one of his books, but you don’t have to buy it or subscribe to his newsletter or break into my house to steal my secret documents.

Instead, you’ll get these tips for free – in a second. This list has made me a lot of money. It’s also helped me avoid a lot of mistakes, ane of the biggest mistakes that you will be tempted to make is forcing your idea on the market.

That NEVER ends well. You must do the research first and identify the right Message-to-Market-Match that Kennedy talks about again and again. Then you need to identify:

1) WHERE will you find your customers?

2) HOW many of your customers are even looking for this information?

(If there aren’t many, than your idea will fail…that’s the failure of forcing your product on the market.)
3) WHO else has your customers? (What other sites, email lists, etc.?)

4) WHAT is their #1 problem that you can solve?

5) HOW will you convince the WHO to share their customers with you?

That’s what Mikey Whitfield has done and he’s ended up with over 10,000 customers in his business. Mikey followed that advice and he’s likely to follow these 10 tips from Kennedy, too. So be like Mikey. Finish the right product for your market, don’t force your product on the market.

10 Things to Do Each Month – Dan Kennedy Marketing Tips
1. Brainstorm about customers & identify what they desire
2. Create experiences in your emails and at your events
3. Do 1 celebrity tie-in with your marketing
4. Question facts about selling info products online … what is the best way?
5. Find people with unmet specialized needs and match yourself to them
6. Offer something New & Improved
7. Give customers choice & focus on their feedback (but not freeloaders)
8. Increase/improve consistency/frequency of client/prospect contact
9. Develop & offer info of interest as “bait” to build list
10. Create another voice to send marketing messages
Have fun with that last one. I’ve sent about a dozen emails from ol’ Bally the Dog and my list loves those ones. He’s sold quite a few TT programs that way, too (earning his keep!).

Review one of those 10 tips from Kennedy every day in 2015 and you’ll be much wealthier because of it.

Merry Christmas everyone,
Craig Ballantyne

Make the right decisions and take the right action. Give up excuses and move on, push ahead, keep going.