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How to Eat Better

By Jon Benson | 02/19/2009

How would you like to feel better… look better… stop struggling with excess body fat… and help support your community? No joke.


Bigger Arms, Better Heart?

By Jon Benson | 02/18/2009

Strengthening my arms is a big part of my strength-training routine – and it’s probably the same for you. But here’s something that may surprise you: You can burn more fat AND help your heart… just by getting your arms involved in your workouts.


2 Unlikely Sources of Fat-Loss Advice

By Craig Ballantyne | 02/16/2009

Recently, I came across two quotes that are unlikely sources of fat-loss advice. The first is from legendary real estate speculator Frank McKinney: “Figure yourself out. Spend time in introspection.” The other is the title of a coaching program from Dan Sullivan: “Discover your strengths.”


A Taste of Advice Marathon Runners Hate

By Craig Ballantyne | 02/13/2009

Most aspiring marathon runners are smart enough not to buy a beat-up used car for $300 and try to drive it across America non-stop. But they have no problem taking their overweight, used up, beat-up, weak bodies and trying to run 26.2 miles in under 4 hours.


Improve Your Metabolism in Just 2 Weeks!

By Dr. Jonny Bowden | 02/9/2009

It’s hardly news that exercise is good for you. It can help keep weight off, build a bigger brain, improve mood, and lower the risk of cancer and heart disease. Many people are put off by the idea of exercise because of time constraints. But research continues to demonstrate that you don’t have to spend an hour in the gym or on the track to get the significant health benefits.


The Fat-Burning Ladder

By Jon Benson | 02/7/2009

Cardio is at the bottom of the fat-burning ladder… but it’s still on the ladder.
Nutrition is at the top. Dietary power rules the fat-burning scene.


Fight Stress, Fight Cancer

By James B. LaValle | 02/3/2009

Have you ever noticed that you tend to get sick or catch a cold during times of stress? Most people underestimate the significance of that. The reason you get sick is because chronic stress lowers the body’s production of natural killer (NK) cells. These are the immune cells that kill viruses – and they are also one of the body’s primary defenses against cancer cells.


I am seeing great results from my new method of working out

By Early To Rise | 01/28/2009

“If you’re like me, you get very, very bored doing cardio on the treadmill, stationary bike, or whatever your favorite piece of exercise equipment is. Five minutes can feel like hours. The gym has plenty of TVs to try to entertain you while you work out. However, the news is too depressing, watching the food channel only makes me want to eat (definitely defeats the purpose of being at the gym), and the other mindless programs bore me.


7 Signs That You Are Doing Too Much Cardio

By Craig Ballantyne | 01/23/2009

The other day, while I was completing my Turbulence Training workout, I noticed that the folks sweating it out on the cardio machines were going through some interesting rituals. After watching them for a while, it was clear to me why they were doing it: They were doing too darn much cardio!


A Secret to Success

By Craig Ballantyne | 01/22/2009

Yesterday morning, after an early morning walk with Bally, my 3-year-old chocolate lab, I sat down in my office and read a motivational quote. (Something I do every day.)

This one struck me as true for both business and weight-loss success. It says, “Intense desire is the foundation of all achievement.”


Gatorade, Move Aside… Coconut Water Is Taking Over!

By Yarixa Ferrao | 01/20/2009

I grew up on the island of Puerto Rico, where it is blazing hot almost all year round. My father used to chop down a young coconut from the palm in front of our house and place it in the freezer so it would get very cold. Then he’d make a hole in the coconut and stick a straw in it so we could drink the thirst-quenching coconut water. Little did I know back then that I would rediscover this refreshing beverage in my search for healthy alternatives to high-sugar sports drinks.


Nix the Nosh

By Johnny Bowden | 01/16/2009

Ever wonder why some trainers still tell their clients to eat six small meals a day, have a high-carb snack after working out (”to refuel the muscles”), and carb-load every time they go for a run? It’s because these trainers were steeped in the bodybuilding-gym culture of the ’60s, and learned from the training manuals of competitive athletes. But unless you’re training for a marathon or an Iron Man competition, that advice is 100 percent wrong – especially if you’re looking to lose weight.