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Edible Cancer Sticks

By Craig Ballantyne | 03/26/2009

Polish researchers studied the effect of potato chip consumption on otherwise healthy volunteers. Potato chips and French fries are close cousins. Both contain relatively high concentrations of acrylamide, a potentially carcinogenic compound found in starchy foods that have been cooked at a high temperature.


Burn Fat With Spices

By Jon Benson | 03/24/2009

Not only can spices save an otherwise boring (but healthy) meal… turns out they can help you burn body fat through the process of thermogenesis. Thermogenesis is simply heat. And since a calorie is a unit of heat, guess what? More thermogenesis = more calories burned.


Stressed? Try Vagus

By Kelley Herring | 03/18/2009

Stress increases dangerous inflammatory factors called cytokines… damages the hippocampus, causing memory loss and mood disorders… reduces the brain’s ability to repair itself… increases abdominal fat… interferes with thyroid function… and even increases the stickiness of the blood (which can lead to dangerous clots).


You Must Lift When Losing!

By Craig Ballantyne | 03/13/2009

It is essential for women to maintain muscle mass with age, and only resistance training can do that.


The Double-Whammy

By Jon Benson | 03/12/2009

If you believe “a calorie is a calorie”… I have news for you. All calories are not created equal.
For example, it requires more body energy to process calories from protein. You burn about 25 percent of the protein calories you consume just on digestion and biochemical processing. That’s one of the many reasons a high-protein diet burns more body fat.


Baby-Stepping to Fat Loss

By Craig Ballantyne | 03/4/2009

It’s no surprise that a lot of the contestants on TV’s “The Biggest Loser” regain the weight once they’re off the show. To maintain their new weight, they’d have to sustain the show’s extreme lifestyle. Nearly impossible.


Off-Day Exercise

By Craig Ballantyne | 03/3/2009

The best way to sculpt your body is to focus on your diet and do a short resistance training and interval training workout three times a week. That doesn’t mean you do nothing the other four days. You need to stay active with what I call “off-day exercise.”


What’s the ideal number of calories for an adult woman?

By Early To Rise | 03/2/2009

In order to determine how many calories you need, first you have to figure out your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). Your BMR tells you the number of calories you’d burn if you stayed in bed all day.


Facebook for Fat Loss?

By Craig Ballantyne | 02/27/2009

You know what you need to do in order to lose fat: Eat less and exercise more.

But that’s easier said than done, especially when you’re surrounded by friends who want to drag you to another movie or high-calorie restaurant meal when you should be working out.


Why My Dad Is the Richest Man I Know

By Kelley Herring | 02/26/2009

Hard to believe, but my father looks as young today – at 60 – as he did at 40. And though he may argue that he’s lost a bit more hair than he’d like, his face, his spirit, and his health seem to have been frozen in time.


Boost Your Body’s Defenses to Fight the Common Cold

By Dr. Al Sears | 02/24/2009

Instead of relying on over-the-counter drugs, keep yourself from getting sick in the first place. A lot of people think there is nothing you can do to stave off the common cold. But in my practice, we’ve proven that’s not true. You can, for example:


How to Firm Up Your Backside

By Jon Benson | 02/20/2009

Most every gal in the gym is familiar with the lunge. You see hordes of women doing lunges. Some trainers even have them walking around outside doing lunges.