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James B. LaValle

Posts by Author

James B. LaValle

The Food Additive That Fuels Lung Cancer

By James B. LaValle | 08/1/2009

Familiarizing yourself with the ingredient list on food labels is now more important than ever. While some additives are fairly benign, too many of them can cause significant health problems. Take “inorganic phosphates,” for example, which are used to improve food texture and water retention in processed foods (including meats,…


Protect Your Brain With One Powerful Nutrient

By James B. LaValle | 07/24/2009

You might think that a head injury has little in common with Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and other neurogenerative diseases. And, yes, they are unrelated on the surface. But when it comes to protecting your brain from all of these traumas, you can rely on one natural nutrient: magnesium. Studies have confirmed…


MSG and Weight Gain

By James B. LaValle | 06/12/2009

Many people avoid monosodium glutamate (MSG) – the so-called “safe” flavor enhancer – because they get a headache or upset stomach after eating it. But here’s another reason to avoid MSG: It might be causing you to gain weight. MSG has been used for some time to “fatten up” lab…


Eating Too Many Sweets Raises Breast Cancer Risk

By James B. LaValle | 06/6/2009

Could preventing breast cancer be as simple as cutting out carbs and sweets? Yes. That really is one way to decrease your risk of acquiring this vicious disease.
As you know from reading ETR, eating carbohydrates and simple sugars causes a spike in blood sugar. The constant elevation of blood sugar can, and often does, end in insulin resistance. And when that happens, your body loses the ability to utilize the calories from the carbohydrates you eat.


Let a Little Sunshine Into Your Life

By James B. LaValle | 04/10/2009

When our eyes don’t take in enough sunlight, we can “experience a serious mood change… sleep too much… have little energy… crave sweets and starchy foods… [and] feel depressed,” according to the National Library of Medicine. Studies link those symptoms to low levels of brain chemicals like serotonin and melatonin. Not only do we need sunlight in our eyes to produce those neurotransmitters, we need sunlight on our skin to produce vitamin D.


A Little-Known Hero in the Battle Against Aging

By James B. LaValle | 02/17/2009

One of the primary causes of problems related to aging – not just the outward signs of aging but also cataracts, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, atherosclerosis, etc. – is oxidative stress, where the immune system has more free radicals than it can handle.


Fight Stress, Fight Cancer

By James B. LaValle | 02/3/2009

Have you ever noticed that you tend to get sick or catch a cold during times of stress? Most people underestimate the significance of that. The reason you get sick is because chronic stress lowers the body’s production of natural killer (NK) cells. These are the immune cells that kill viruses – and they are also one of the body’s primary defenses against cancer cells.


New Relief for Migraine Sufferers

By James B. LaValle | 01/21/2009

Undiagnosed food allergies can cause dark circles around the eyes, fatigue, chronic sinus drainage, joint pain, and general achiness. But they may also cause headaches. I’ve known this for years, and research is finally validating it.


A Toast to Your Health

By James B. LaValle | 12/23/2008

Mulled wine, Champagne, hot toddies… the holidays are here. And many of us are tempted to drink a little more alcohol than we’re used to. But what’s the story? Should you down that Irish coffee pushed on you by your host? Or pass?


Beware of Holiday Diabetes

By James B. LaValle | 11/26/2008

This is the time of year when many of my patients struggle with keeping their weight and blood sugar under control. It starts with Halloween, when we buy those delectable treat-size candy bars to pass out to trick-or-treaters – and eat many of them ourselves. It continues throughout Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Day with the sugar-laden treats and leftovers from holiday meals contributing to our already flourishing spare tires.


Contaminated Crops

By James B. LaValle | 07/11/2008

Fresh produce is a key component of a healthy diet, and I’m constantly reminding patients to increase their intake. But recent headlines have opened our eyes to the fact that when we eat fresh fruit and vegetables, we may be literally biting off more than we can chew.


How Can I Possibly Be Gaining Weight?

By James B. LaValle | 05/30/2008

These days, when two incomes barely make ends meet, you may be leading the kind of hectic life where coffee is all you make time to “eat” during the day. Unfair as it is, this black coffee stress diet can lead to weight gain. Fortunately, there are things you can do to prevent “stress bloat.”