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What? No E-Newsletter?

By Bob Bly | 01/13/2009

There are a number of business models for making money on the Internet. Of these, my favorite – and the one I recommend to those who want to sell information products, dietary supplements, or just about any other product online today – is the “Agora Model.”


How to Create a Perfectly Organized Office

By Mark Morgan Ford | 01/12/2009

What does your office say about you? That you are orderly and businesslike? Messy but creative? Hopelessly overwhelmed?


Have Fun, Lose Fat

By Craig Ballantyne | 01/12/2009

On Sunday morning, I was reviewing my daily motivational quotes when I stumbled across this one: “Enjoy life. Treat it as an adventure. Care passionately about the outcome, but keep it in perspective. Things are seldom as bleak as they seem when they are going wrong – or as good as they seem when they are going well. Lighten up. You’ll live longer.”


Measuring Social Media

By Wendy Montes de Oca | 01/9/2009

If you’re an online marketer or publisher, chances are you’re well aware of the power of social media optimization (SMO). If you’re new to the world of Internet marketing, you’ll be interested to know that this breakthrough method is a truly inexpensive (practically free) way to create buzz about your products, increase traffic to your site, build trust about your company, and boost your sales.


Rental Real Estate 101: The Ultimate Real Estate Match Up

By Julie Broad | 01/9/2009

Renting out your real estate properties is a great way to make money – in almost any market. But if you’re just starting out, there are some pitfalls you need to be aware of. One of the costliest is tenant turnover.


Here’s a Good Idea (If You Want to Bankrupt Your Business)

By Charlie Byrne | 01/8/2009

No wonder the U.S Postal Service is in serious trouble. They apparently think having too many eager new customers is a problem!

Let me explain…

On a recent trip to a small town in Maine, I stopped at the local post office


The Absolute Worst Place for Your Business

By Suzanne Richardson | 01/7/2009

The 113 miles of Highway 87 between Great Falls and Havre in Montana is desolate. A half-dozen or so tiny towns have cropped up in places. But mostly there’s just the two-lane road, vast expanses of prairie, and the enormous canopy of sky.


Read This Now, or the Puppy Gets It

By John Forde | 01/7/2009

Years ago, National Lampoon ran a cover showing an adorable – but worried – puppy with a revolver held to its head. The headline next to the image read something like, “If you don’t buy this magazine, the puppy gets it.”


Graphic Design Riches

By Marc Charles | 01/6/2009

Today, I’m going to tell you about one of the hottest rising trends out there – and why you should get in on this opportunity now.

I’m talking about the business of graphic design.


A Technique That Always Works to Win Over the Crowd

By Paul Lawrence | 01/6/2009

Whether it’s speaking to a group of peers at a company meeting, a group of potential clients, or a group of seminar attendees who are there to hear you share your knowledge, being a good public speaker can really pay off.


The Choice Is Yours

By Suzanne Richardson | 01/5/2009

I’d almost given in to a classic sales strategy. Expert copywriter John Forde calls it the “Foregone Conclusion” technique. And you might want to put it to work in your marketing efforts.


Build Your List with Free, Paid, and Leveraged Traffic

By Brian Edmondson | 01/3/2009

“How do I get more traffic to my website?” “How do I build a list?” “How can I make more money online?” These are three of the most common questions I get from aspiring Internet entrepreneurs, as well as seasoned online professionals.