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Three Essential Numbers for Your Finances

By Mark Morgan Ford | 01/10/2012

In marriage, there are three numbers you must know by heart: your spouse’s birthday (October 18), your anniversary (April 19), and how many minutes you can be late before you are in trouble (twelve). To run a business, there are also three vital numbers you must know: net cash flow,…


7 Steps to Establishing Yourself as an Expert and Industry Leader

By Craig Ballantyne | 01/9/2012

In the summer of 2000 I was finishing up my master’s thesis in Exercise Physiology at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario (Canada’s ‘steeltown’). At the time, I lived with two buddies, and the only computer with Internet access in our house was in my friend’s room in his basement apartment.…


Make Money on Vacation by Selling Photos

By Robert Ringer | 01/4/2012

They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The same holds true for pictures. Any image can represent many different ideas to different viewers. A successful stock photographer has to learn that the hard way. Often when we’re composing a shot, we have a specific idea in our…


Make 2012 the Year Of Giving Excessively

By Craig Ballantyne | 01/2/2012

Over the Christmas break I watched a fascinating presentation by the inimitable Gary Vaynerchuk. As mentioned in a past Early to Rise American Dream feature, Gary was born in the former Soviet Union and his father brought their family to America where nine family members lived in a studio apartment…


When Innovation Doesn’t Matter

By Early To Rise | 01/1/2012

A client of mine came to me very excited about how she had improved her website. She had spent several months and about ten thousand dollars making it “easier to navigate.” “What good is that?” I asked her. She looked at me, dumbfounded. “Everyone knows that sites that are easier…


Debunking the Original Idea Myth

By Mary Ellen Tribby | 12/21/2011

Do you want to start an online business but don’t have an idea for a product? Or maybe you need to add products to your current line-up, or have an idea that is just not fully formed yet. Well, you are not alone. Many entrepreneurs get caught up in feeling…


Michael Masterson’s Secrets About Writing Copy

By Jason Leister | 12/20/2011

I’ve been a student of Michael Masterson for quite a long time. He doesn’t know I exist (although he’s critiqued some of my copy) and I haven’t met him personally… yet. But even without a personal connection to him, he and Bill Bonner (of Agora fame) have had more influence…


Great News

By Mary Ellen Tribby | 12/14/2011

It’s a self-marketing tactic I’ve really come to hate… I’m talking about “networking.” Sure, I’ve been hearing all about networking for years. I’ve even used the word myself! But when you get down to it, networking is cold, sterile… and it seems self-serving: one person trying to form a web…


One Thing You Have to Do

By Daniel Levis | 12/13/2011

I reached into the mailbox and there it was – a check for $8,750. The amount represented a 50% deposit on the base fee I’d agreed to in exchange for writing a webpage for a new client. Does that sound like a lot of money to pay someone to write…


From the Ground Up

By Craig Ballantyne | 12/12/2011

Last Friday afternoon down in South Beach, Florida, I spent the day with a group of like-minded men and women in a group called Maverick Business Adventures (a unique organization started by one of my mentors, Yanik Silver). We had the pleasure of hearing from a unique individual and true…


The Fastest Way to Build Your Business

By Craig Ballantyne | 11/28/2011

Here’s the situation. You want to be an entrepreneur and to start a new business because you know that this is the fastest way to building wealth. You even have a good idea, but how on earth do you get customers when starting from scratch? Well, the correct answers are…


You Will Need This Over the Holidays

By Mary Ellen Tribby | 11/23/2011

“Mom, I think I want to be president,” Connor said. “Is that so? I thought you wanted to be a professional baseball player,” I replied. “No, not when I grow up…” he explained. “I want to be president NOW.” That’s right! Connor, my 10-year-old, was nominated for class president. He…