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Sit Back, Relax, and Let the Profit-Building Secrets Pile Up

By Paul Lawrence | 07/29/2009

The three grand I made almost instantly was just the beginning. You see, I’d taken advantage of a powerful strategy that many people overlook. It can result in immediate cost savings or an income boost. It can help generate continuous, long-term streams of cash. It can help you attract new…


The Secret to Creating Tremendous Luck in Any Economy

By Early To Rise | 07/28/2009

By Julie Broad When negotiating to buy a property, I increase my chances of getting the exact deal I want by giving the seller options. One way I do it is by negotiating the financing terms I want at the same time as I negotiate price. Let’s say I wanted…


It’s Fun to Know: Swearing as a Pain Reliever

By Early to Rise | 07/28/2009

Smash your finger with a hammer or slam your knee on a coffee table… and, if you’re like many people, you can’t help but let loose a string of expletives. It turns out the swearing could be beneficial. A new study published in the journal NeuroReport found that spewing out…


A Supplement All Men Should Take for a Healthy Prostate

By Dr. Al Sears | 07/28/2009

Selenium is an essential mineral and a powerful antioxidant. Your body needs it to: Maintain healthy thyroid function Ward off arthritis Slow the aging process Fight cancer Men should be especially concerned about getting enough selenium. It’s the prostate’s best defense against cancer. Two studies – one an eight-year clinical…


Why I Bought the Same Exact Shoes Twice

By Charlie Byrne | 07/28/2009

Here’s one company that knows the best person to sell shoes to is… someone who just bought shoes. About two months ago, I bought a pair of Doc Martens on sale at They’ve got an extremely shopper-friendly website – and good prices too. Last week, I received this e-mail:…


A Little Negotiating Trick for Real Estate Deals

By Julie Broad | 07/28/2009

When negotiating to buy a property, I increase my chances of getting the exact deal I want by giving the seller options. One way I do it is by negotiating the financing terms I want at the same time as I negotiate price. Let’s say I wanted to buy a…


A Dietary Secret to Living Longer and Improving Your Memory

By Johnny Bowden | 07/27/2009

A number of studies have shown that a simple dietary maneuver may be one of the most effective anti-aging strategies ever. In the lab, it’s virtually the only thing that’s been shown to extend the life of every species tested, from yeast and fruit flies to monkeys. It can help…


Too Much Enthusiasm

By Matt Furey | 07/27/2009

Years ago, while I was living in California, there was a saying: “Curb your enthusiasm.” It’s an important saying to know when doing business. Sometimes you can get so excited about what you’re doing or offering that you make foolish decisions. Happens all the time. My friend Kim Wood, an…


The “A Prospect” Advantage

By Marc Charles | 07/27/2009

No matter what you’re selling, your job will be a lot easier of you target your marketing efforts to “A” prospects. By that I mean pre-qualified buyers – people who have already purchased what you’re selling. Ideally, they’ve done it recently (and often). “B” prospects are people who have shown…


Revolutionary Breakthrough Extends Life

By Dr. Al Sears | 07/25/2009

The biggest breakthrough in anti-aging medicine in our lifetime involves telomere biology. Each time your cells divide, they copy your DNA to make the new cell. But the telomeres – the sections of DNA at both ends of a chromosome – get shorter with every copy. And the shorter your…


An Income-Doubling Secret of the Wealthy

By Raymond Aaron | 07/25/2009

Wealthy people have a secret that makes it easy for them to dramatically increase their income. You instinctively know this secret… and are probably even using it without realizing it. What is it? Leverage. When people order in pizza for dinner, they are leveraging the resources of a local pizza…


6 Ways to Take Your Online Income to the Next Level

By Early To Rise | 07/25/2009

By John Wood Fortunes continue to be made by people selling information online. If you’re interested in claiming your piece of the online pie, a great way to get started is to turn one of your passions into an e-book. And once it’s finished, marketing it is a snap. There…