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Matt Furey
Posts by Author
Matt Furey
Advice From a 97-Year-Old Champion
“If you’re not making mistakes, then you’re not doing anything.” So said John Wooden, the Hall of Fame basketball coach for UCLA who won a record 10 NCAA championships. So many people do everything they can to avoid making mistakes – yet mistakes are the corrective feedback we need to…
READ MOREToo Much Enthusiasm
Years ago, while I was living in California, there was a saying: “Curb your enthusiasm.” It’s an important saying to know when doing business. Sometimes you can get so excited about what you’re doing or offering that you make foolish decisions. Happens all the time. My friend Kim Wood, an…
READ MOREThe Best Advice a Father Can Give
It hit me like a ton of bricks. I couldn’t believe I’d missed it before. I’d read the book many, many times – but this time was different. A secret was revealed to me – and today I’m going to give it to you. If you are open and receptive…
READ MOREWhere Ideas Come From
Many people wonder where so-called “creative” people get their ideas. They’re looking for answers that are profound. There aren’t any. Ideas are in the air at all times. You simply reach in and pull one out by doing something that all young kids do in their imagination each and every…
READ MOREHow Long Can You Concentrate?
Imagine this: You’re sitting in front of your computer, working on a project. Perhaps it’s a book, an e-mail, or an article. Or you’re doing research.
READ MOREHow to Zap Fatigue Within Seconds
It’s amazing but true. Most people get up tired and go to bed tired. Going to bed tired makes some sense – but waking up tired is inexcusable.
How can you be tired when you wake up? You haven’t done anything yet, right?
READ MOREEarly To Rise
The most successful people I know in every field of endeavor are never content to rest on their laurels. They are continually refining what they know. Hour upon hour is spent in practice — mental as well as physical — looking for a minor tweak that may take what IS…
READ MOREStretch Like a Tiger
What you do in the first few minutes of your day sets the tone for the rest of it. That’s why it is important to begin your day with thoughts of happiness, success, great health, and prosperity.
READ MORERelaxed Mind – Relaxed Body
It is imperative that you learn to relax, physically and mentally. Why is this? Because a mind that is filled with stress cannot easily transfer a positive mental picture to your subconscious.
READ MOREDon’t Work Too Hard
Before my wife Zhannie emigrated to the United States from China, she always ended her messages the same way: “Bu yao tai nu li gong zuo.”
READ MOREBig Fat Fitness Lies
Hold it. You may be exercising and eating all wrong. You may have been led to believe a lot of very stupid and untrue things about what it takes to get fit. Things like:
READ MOREWhat If You Have No Time for Exercise?
Tuesday morning, I got up early, ironed my clothes, and got mentally prepared for the talk I was to give at an AWAI Web Copywriting event in Austin, Texas…