The Certification with a Mission
“What if?”. That question can either move you or scare you. For me, it’s actually scary. What if I didn’t get TT certified? Where would I be? What would I be doing? Every once in a while, I ask myself that very question and sometimes, I even ask my wife, Sabrina, the same thing. She and I smile every time. For one thing, I wouldn’t be here writing this article and looking back at how far I have come.
What if I hadn’t jumped on board with the Turbulence Training certification Mission? Who knows. What I was facing before I decided to click, “let’s do this thing” (no, the button didn’t say that – it’s just how I felt when I clicked on it), was being on the edge of burn-out and feeling stagnant.
My bootcamp was a great group of 5-6 women, in which a couple were 1-on-1 clients of mine. They enjoyed the boocamps and I enjoyed training them. But I knew there was something more. Even if I “maxed out” the bootcamp, I couldn’t get any more than 12 people in the suite I was using next door to the gym.
The Client Attraction Tools
Then the Client Attraction tools from Craig started to come in. I listened to the audio cd interviews, read and implemented the done-for-you tools and took action. Just weeks later, I found myself training an awesome group in a nice big gymnasium right up the street at the local high school. I was training 5-6 in a small suite, with no room to expand, but now it was on a huge basketball court with 18-20 people (more than doubled what I had for months).
All of a sudden, I had built a small community 3 days a week at 6:15 am in the morning. By the way, this was during the Summer, in which many of the campers are teachers. They decided to come that early because they enjoyed it.
I’ll be the first to admit, I was uncomfortable asking about using such a huge gym for a bootcamp that only had 5 people at the time, but I knew I had the client attraction tools to expand it.
Finally, I felt I was making a bigger impact. It couldn’t get any better than this.
Then… it did.
The Latest, Cutting Edge Fat Loss Information
Two weeks later, the latest and hottest methods in training showed up in my mailbox. I wasn’t sure what to expect. I’ve always known that the Turbulence Training principles have worked for fat loss; that’s why I have been using them for so long. But what was the method behind the madness? This is where the training newsletter came in. Craig literally walks you step-by-step of how and why he creates workouts the way he does. You get a bird’s eye view of program design, helping you get your clients better and faster results. It’s information you can’t find anywhere else, which I found impressive.
I even incorporated this information with my own workouts, and my own programs improved. He interviews the best in our industry, including a fantastic content-packed recent call with Rachel Cosgrove of Results Fitness in California. She gave some amazing pointers on how to deal with client behavioral habits as well as how to attract clients through contests.
One of the earlier interviews was with Alwyn Cosgrove, who has made a big impact on the way I design programs. He gave a one-two punch pouring content not only to help you with your clients, but with your business as well.
Each interview, whether it is about fat loss or your fitness business, is worth listening to more than once. There are so many “wisdom nuggets” (that’s what I call them) you can use with your own programs and business, that you can literally plug-in immediately and create more success with your clients and business. Just 3 days ago, I listened to a great interview with Brad Pilon, who gave some great coaching tips for nutrition.
Because of this amazing information, I have had 5 clients either place or win the TT Transformation Contest, helping them win $3,500 in contest money.
One of the Biggest Perks of Being TT Certified
Help people lose fat, transform their body and their lives, while helping them win money? Now that’s rewarding. I would say that is one of the biggest perks of being TT certified. You can enter any of your clients or bootcampers into the TT Transformation Contest. You don’t have to spend a dime, and they don’t either. The contest is free. It’s not only a client attraction tool, but how’s that for an incentive to make lasting and permanent changes with your current clients?
As a matter of fact, two of the first clients I entered into the contest was a couple – Philip and Lisa. Philip won first place in the contest, while Lisa placed third. It was rewarding seeing their smiling faces after they found out they won the contest.
Another long time client of mine, Amber, has been with me for 5 years. She would make some incredible changes, then fall back. So when I approached her about the contest, it was like a switch went on. The contest incentive worked. She got first in the contest, winning $1,000. This was due to her discipline and implementing the training methods I received from Craig. She is now the leanest I have ever seen her. I’m really proud of her.
The Mission
The mission to change 1,000,000 lives by 2020 is bold, but that’s what attracted to me to this certification. It was bigger than anything I’ve been a part of, and to be honest, I had no mission of my own. As a matter of fact, I’ll just be blunt here and admit – I was BORED.
Rejuvenated, I now get up at 4am, ready to face the day. Thanks to being part of this mission, I’ve learned how to create a mission of my own.
But that’s a whole new story…
To your success,
Mike Whitfield (the cool kids call me Mikey)
Certified Turbulence Trainer and part of the One Million Mission