Kettlebell Bodyweight Circuit Workout

I have a little workout for you today (and these are great for bootcamps, too)…
…it’s a sweet little circuit I did on my balcony yesterday morning, and it’s going to be part of the August TT Workout of the Month…but why not try it a little earlier, right?
I call it the Kettlebell-Bodyweight 555 workout.
Why 555?
Because my math skills are horrendous.
I started the program planning to do a new Kettlebell-Bodyweight 500 workout, similar to the one I did on Sunday morning.
But as I got near the end of yesterday’s workout, I realized my plan was going to take me to 550, not 500.
So what the heck, I thought, why not add another 5 pushups. After all, 555 sounds so much better than 550.
NOTE: This definitely is not a beginner fat loss workout, so I’ve included a modified version below.
Advanced Kettlebell-Bodyweight 555 Workout
1) Kettlebell Swings – 200
I doubt anyone reading this will be able to pull off 200 straight kettlebell swings. Even I can’t…
…but I broke it down like this: 100, 50, 30, 20. The grip really starts to go in the last two sets. Once you’ve hit 200, move on to:
2A) 100 Prisoner Squats (hands locked behind head)
supersetted with:
2B) 50 Stability Ball Rollouts
I did 25 prisoner squats followed by 12 stability ball rollouts (but I did 14 rollouts in the last set to hit 50). Then, onto…
3A) 100 Bodyweight Squats (hands down at sides)
supersetted with:
3B) 105 Pushups
I did 50 squats, 30 pushups, 25 squats, 25 pushups, 25 squats, 25 pushups, and then another 25 pushups to finish the workout.
Workout lasted 25-30 minutes. And thanks to the beautiful weather, I was able to do this all on my 5th floor balcony with a beautiful view of downtown Toronto (that photo of the snow covered city is obviously not from yesterday!).
Alright, so what if you can’t do that full workout?
Here’s a beginner Bodyweight 225:
Take as MUCH REST as you need to as you try to do all the reps and between exercises. Train hard but safe with these bodyweight exercises!
1) 25 Jumping Jacks
3) 25 Bodyweight Squats
3) 25 Kneeling Pushups
4) 25 Prisoner Squats
5) 25 second Plank
6) 25 Stability Ball Leg Curls
7) 25 Kneeling Pushups
8] 25 Bodyweight Squats
9) 25 Jumping Jacks
Even if you can only do the exercises 5 reps at a time, that’s fine. You can split up the program however you’d like. If you want to do 5 circuits of 5 reps, then go for it! Stick to that exercise order because like every Turbulence Training fat loss workout program, there is a method to my madness!
Trust me.
The one thing I really hate to see is personal trainers running fat loss bootcamps all “willy nilly” without a plan and just making things up as they go along. That’s not my style, and I hate to see people being ripped off like that. If you do bootcamps, make sure your trainer puts you through a STRUCTURED workout. (Heck, teach them about TT to be safe!)
Train hard but safe,
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
PS – If you want more TT Bootcamp workouts OR…
…secrets on how to build a 6-figure personal training business by doing TT Bootcamps only a few hours per day, visit this website for a FREE report on how to do it!
Turbulence Training Bootcamp Workouts
You’ll have more freedom and have more fun while making money and by doing bodyweight-only bootcamp workouts anytime, anywhere!