High Protein Vegan Foods

bally-011The #1 question I get about eating a vegan diet is, “How do you get enough protein?”. If I had a nickel for every time someone asked me that question, I’d be able to afford another Bally the Dog.

Well, it’s actually quite simple when you’re eating to build muscle for a couple of reasons.

First of all, we just don’t need as much protein to gain mass as the supplement companies and bodybuilding magazines try to make us believe.

And second, if you’re eating a lot of calories, you’ll have no problem getting enough protein even on a vegan diet.

Just take a look at this quick video to discover how most foods commonly known as “carbohydrate foods” actually contain a large amount of protein (10-25 % of the calories in these foods come from protein).

And these protein sources are often el cheapo, too. Men’s Fitness magazine ranked Black Beans as the cheapest protein source on the market.

So join me for another classic, “Craig in the Kitchen” episode where we show all the doubters that it’s easy to get a lot of protein even on a vegan diet…without meat, dairy, eggs, or soy.

Of course, I know you’re going to ask me, “But what about for fat loss?”

And to be honest, I’ll have to go to an expert for this one…so I’ll be interviewing vegetarian, vegan, and raw food diet expert Kardena Pauza again soon.

Please let me know what other vegetarian diets you have for Kardena in the comments area below.

Let me know your veggie eating questions,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS – Watch for Vegetarian, Vegan, and even Raw food meal plans in July…

This project is taking longer than I thought it would…but it’s only because we want to give you the best vegetarian meal plans for every body type – plus info on how to eat vegetarian without breaking the bank.

Stay tuned!