7-Day Guide to Awesome Abs and a Flat Tummy Forever!

abs workout

Aw yeah, time for the unleashing of the Turbulence Training AAA Abs Workout program…this abs exercise routine was the April 2009 TT Workout of the Month…and it might just be the most difficult TT program EVER designed…what do you think?

Let’s get started this week’s 7-day fat loss guide with our big transformation tip…

Click here to listen to this weeks fat loss podcast

Monday – April 27
As usual, we always start with our Transformation Tip of the week. This time, it’s a powerful quote…

“To live an extraordinary life you must resist an ordinary approach.” – Frank McKinney

You might think it is a little odd to get a fat loss quote from a real estate developer, but I think this is a perfect fit with fat loss.linda

Ordinary folks will not change.

Only extraordinary people like you will…

1) Join the next TT contest

2) Surround themselves with social support

3) Educate themselves on diet and exercise

4) Discover how their body works.

It’s those 4 simple, but extraordinary changes that will help you achieve amazing results.

Click here for the rules of the next Turbulence Training Transformation Contest

And now, for the workout you’ve been waiting for!!!

TT AAA Abs – Workout A

Tri-Set #1
1A) Max Chin-ups OR Underhand Inverted Row
1B) Max Push-ups
1C) DB Forward Lunge

Superset #2
2A) DB Step-Up
2B) Stability Ball DB Pullover

Superset #3
3A) DB Renegade Row renegade row exercise(pictured at right)
3B) KB Swings

Bodyweight Intervals

Squat Jumps (or Bodyweight Squats for beginners)
10 repetitions followed by 10 second rest x 4 rounds.

Calf Jumps (or Calf Raises for beginners)
10 repetitions followed by 10 second rest x 4 rounds.

Stability Ball Jackknife
10 repetitions followed by 10 second rest x 4 rounds.

Turkish Getup
5 reps per side followed by 10 second rest x 2 rounds.

Here’s that bodyweight interval program on video:

(And make sure to listen to the call to hear about my “trainer trick” that I’ve used before to make a hard workout even harder!)

30 minutes activity, of course…and now a quick peak at some hunger research reported in the May 2009 issue of Men’s Health magazine…

On page 34, MH reports a study that found men are better than women at overcoming cravings & hunger pains. Now that’s no excuse for women to over-indulge, but instead a wake-up call that all women need to be even more prepared than their husbands for resisting too many temptations. eat stop eat

If you want help getting the power OVER food, I highly recommend Eat-Stop-Eat by Brad Pilon. Just one fast will help you understand the difference between being hungry and having simple cravings.

Wednesday – TT AAA Abs – Workout B

Superset #1
1A) DB 1-Arm Squat & Press
1B) Pull-up + Knee-up OR DB Row – 20 reps

(The high rep row can be a great oblique exercise!)

Superset #2
2A) Front Loaded Bulgarian Split Squat
2B) Stability Ball Plank Rollout

Superset #3
3A) 1-Leg Stability Ball Leg Curl
3B) Side Plank + DB Lateral Raise

Superset #4
4A) Burpee Chinup Combo
4B) Jump Rope or Jumping Jacks or Run in Place

30 minutes of fun, but not too much fun.

If you were like most of the guys I know and drank too much, and maybe even smoked too much during college, you’ll want to check out this article about “The Damage We’ve Done” on Menshealth.com

Friday – TT AAA Abs – Workout C

This workout is short, tough, and effective. Have fun!

KB Swing – 20 reps (1-0-1)
X-tended Pushup – 10 reps (2-0-1)
Stability Ball Back Extension – 10 reps (2-0-1)
Stability Ball Pike – 8 reps (2-0-1) stability ball pike– pictured at right
KB 1-Arm Swing – 10 reps per side (1-0-1)
Pushup – 20 reps (2-0-1)
Stability Ball Leg Curl – 20 reps (1-0-1)
Ab Wheel – 8 reps (2-0-1)
Sprint or Burpee – 20 seconds or 8 reps
Rest 1 minute & repeat 2-3 more times

Social Support Saturday!

Great advice from TT Transformation Contest winner, Jonny Munro

“Do not go too hard. That may sound silly but what i mean is don’t be so intense as to not let yourself have a little treat here and there or go way above and beyond with your workouts.

“If you go too hard at the start you may burn out. It’s really hard to keep that sort of intensity up for 12 weeks and more importantly forever. Pace yourself. The program really works by itself, you don’t need to add to it and improve it, or do 7 workouts a week etc.

It’s important to train well when you do train, but just be careful not to try and do much more, because eventually you’ll run out of steam and that will make it really hard on yourself.”
Jonny Munro

Here’s a motivational video of Jonny and many of our TT success stories…

Sunday – Plan, Shop & Prepare
Do 30 minutes of activity of course, and then focus on shopping and getting 1 new food…do that every week and you’ll have at least 50 new fruits or vegetables on your list…

Here are some of the best foods I’ve added to my diet recently…

Seaweed salad seaweed-salad-trio
Amy’s organic soups & chili
Spinach into chili
Red Onions
Kim Chi

And I was once a picky eater…so there are NO excuses for you!

Let me know what foods you are loving these days.

Time to work on flattening your tummy with good food and fun workouts,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS – Click here to grab your copy of TT AAA Abs today!