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The Cow in the Ditch

By Mark Morgan Ford | 10/27/2009

What do you do when you see a cow in a ditch? Well, first, you get it out. Next, you figure out how it got there in the first place. Then, you make darn sure it doesn’t fall into the ditch again.


Why You Should Be More Like a Drug Addict

By Mark Morgan Ford | 10/26/2009

As I explain in today’s essay, you can learn a lot about wealth building and success from your average junkie. Don’t believe me? Some of these guys make as much as $900 a day. What’s your typical payday? Also today, I explain why what you eat has a huge impact…


Eliminating the Weak End of Your Product Line

By Mark Morgan Ford | 10/26/2009

If you want to increase profits, trim low-profit-margin items from your product line. They are probably eating up limited and valuable resources that could be better used elsewhere.


“Need to Tell” vs “Want to Tell”

By John Forde | 10/23/2009

In marketing copy, “need to know” info is the facts your prospect has to hear to help him make the decision to buy your product. But it’s often the “want to know” info that has more pulling power. By that I’m talking about things your prospect has an emotional interest…


Where Do I Find a Mentor?

By Mark Morgan Ford | 10/23/2009

ETR reader Kendra Pearsall is eager to find a mentor and/or business partner. But she works at home, alone. “How do I find someone to work with?” she asks. Kendra, there are plenty of ways to do it. The most important thing to know is this: Don’t look for a…


How to Write a Great Corporate Memo

By Mark Morgan Ford | 10/23/2009

There are dozens of tricks you can learn about business writing and, in particular, about writing a good memo. Here’s the one that I believe is the most important: Before you begin to write, ask yourself, “What is the single most important idea I want my reader to walk away…


What’s Your Constraint?

By Brian Tracy | 10/22/2009

The starting point of great success has always been the same. It is to dream big dreams. There is nothing more important than to begin by fantasizing about what you can become, have, and do. But there are obstacles along the way to achieving those dreams.


Are Marketing Sea Changes Killing Your Response?

By Clayton Makepeace | 10/21/2009

I’m so old, I’ll betcha my tie has gone in and out of style at least five times. Not that I pay much attention to such things, mind you. My professional life revolves around marketing trends. And there again, my advanced age means I’ve seen many promotional styles over the…


The 3 Essential Functions of Every Successful Business

By Early to Rise | 10/19/2009

What I am about to tell you is the most important thing you will ever hear about starting a business. (I have probably started more businesses than anyone I’ve ever met, so please forgive me for sounding like a know-it-all.) Ready? To start a business — any business — successfully,…


Your Customers Don’t Want More Doom, They Want Room to Zoom!

By Early to Rise | 10/19/2009

For 30 years, I’ve been having the same conversation with my partners. The subject is: What do our customers want from us — doom or zoom? Do they want more news about how bad the economy is? Or how clumsy and/or corrupt the government is when it tries to “help”?…


Wish I Knew Then What I Know Now

By Early to Rise | 10/19/2009

In today’s essay, I pass along a bit of brilliance from Dan Kennedy. It helped me understand why, for example, harping on our lousy economy can be hurtful to your advertising. After that, I explain why budgeting is no way to save money, where I get some of my best…


Too Old to Keep Trying?

By Early to Rise | 10/16/2009

Several weeks ago, I told you about a guy I met at Joe’s cigar bar. He was 54, out of a job, and ready to give up. He was too old to start over, he claimed. Death is inevitable, I told him. But aging is mostly a state of mind.…