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Make a Fortune by Learning From – or Teaching – Others

By Jay Abraham | 07/23/2005

Looking to knock the ball out of the business park? All you need to do is start examining and evaluating and analyzing what other people – inside and outside of your industry – are doing. Then you borrow their better-performing processes that give you the best long-term success. I had…


How Mike Went From Rags to Riches

By Paul Lawrence | 07/21/2005

Mike raised a glass to toast everyone at the table. “Here’s to another year as successful as this one.” He was celebrating the fact that over the last year he’d made more money with his own business than he had in 10 years of working for someone else, and things…


How to Play (and Win) the Game of Making Money

By Graham McGregor | 07/19/2005

If you want to make more money, there are two things you can do. The first thing you can do is learn new skills so you get paid more for the hours you work. One of the most valuable skills you can learn is the ability to sell and create…


How To “Work A Room”

By Ilise Benun | 06/30/2005

There are tons of networking events to attend – too many, actually. Too many ways to meet people you’ll never see again, too many opportunities to collect a stack of business cards you’ll never look at again. But it’s well worth doing as much networking as you can, because you…


Tell Your Customer What’s In It For Him

By Will Newman | 06/23/2005

We’ve all been there. You walk into Big Box Electronics. Some young pup starts talking to you about the big-screen TVs you’re eyeing. He mentions scan rate. HD-grade 1280 x 720 pixel resolution. Lines per inch. You stand there and nod, furrow your brow at appropriate places, and do your…


Improve Your sales by Asking for Referrals

By Graham McGregor | 06/22/2005

We all know that if a client refers us to one of his associates or friends, we have a much higher probability of making a sale and doing business with that referral than if we had no introduction. In fact, it is up to 10 times easier to sell to…


How to Write a Screenplay (With a Little Help From Your Friends)

By Mark Morgan Ford | 06/17/2005

We each have at least one good movie script in our memory banks. What’s yours? And why haven’t you written it? Many years ago, I promised a close friend I’d write a movie about something we’d done together – opening up a rock ‘n’ roll club on Long Island. Mike’s…


How to Launch a Profitable Email Publication

By Early To Rise | 06/16/2005

Several years ago, I was working on a second bottle of wine with a prominent sales pro. He blurted out something about “the formula” that Bill Ziff (of Ziff Davis fame) used to generate a billion-dollar publishing empire. I was new to advertising, and the notion of a “secret formula”…


In Marketing, Flattery Will Get You Everywhere

By Bob Bly | 06/15/2005

“Flattery will get you nowhere,” the saying goes. But actually, flattery can get you almost anywhere – especially in marketing. The reason: People want to feel good about themselves … and if you give your prospects a legitimate way to do that, you get their attention and make them receptive…


Inside the Box Part 2

By David Deutsch | 06/7/2005
[Ed. Note: Last week, in Part 1 of this story, David Deutsch introduced his “inside the box” way of thinking. As you may remember, the narrator of the story has been desperately trying to keep his bookstore afloat. He is about to give up when he meets his new neighbor…


How to Write and Publish a Best-Seller

By Mark Morgan Ford | 06/3/2005

Hey you! You with the interesting life! You’ve got a book in you – that you know. But how do you get it out, onto those frighteningly blank pages? And then, how do you put those pages together into a coherent (see “Word to the Wise,” below), fast-reading book? And…


Turn Your Best Customers Into Voluntary Sales Reps

By Jay Abraham | 05/28/2005

Have you ever wished you could clone your best customers or clients – potentially doubling or tripling or quadrupling the number of people just like them who come through your door? The truth is, you can! I’m not talking about scientific cloning. (In spite of what’s going on with Scottish…