Bodyweight Bodybuilding

catherineWell hey everyone! Last half of the year…still time to make progress…folks in their last few days of the 11th TT Transformation Contest will be burning fat right to the end.

Click here to listen to this week’s call

Or just read below for all of the details…


Transformation Tip of the Week:

The harsh reality is that most people do not want to see you succeed. People will try to hold you down. You must make an effort to hang around others who share your goals to lose weight, and so that you can leverage their knowledge, commitment, support, and success. It’s research proven that when you hang around others who succeed that you will also succeed.ttbm5_4

Workout A – Turbulence Training Bodyweight Phase 5

Advanced Upper Body Strength & Lower Body Circuit Conditioning

1A) T-Squat (15 reps)
1B) Feet on Ball Pushup (12 reps)
2A) Chin-up (Max-1)
2B) Hands on Bench, Feet on Ball Pushup (15 reps)
3A) Pushups with Hands on Ball  (15 reps)
3B) 1-Leg Deadlift (12 reps)
4A) Inverted Row – Feet on Ball (12 reps)
4B) Spiderman Pushup (8 reps)
5A) Side Plank Leg Lift (10 reps)
5B) Split Squat with Front Foot Elevated (12 reps)
5C) Spiderman Climb (12 reps)
5D) Plank with Arms on Ball (30 seconds)

30 minutes of fun activity…and now for :

3 favorite muscle building tips from Vince Del Monte

1) Begin with 3 full body weight training workouts every 48-hours.

2) Take your body weight in pounds and multiply it by 15 to determine your daily caloric intake if you want to gain weight. vince

3) Use a training journal and track your progress and have a training program. Never go to the gym without a plan.


Men’s Health (Dec 2009) says that an hour of lifting burns 500 calories as will 40 minutes of running…but of course, that depends on your fitness level.

I say…”Don’t get focused on calories burned…just focus on workout intensity and performance to sculpt your muscles and let your diet of whole, natural foods burn the belly fat.”

Workout B – TT Bodyweight Phase 5

1A) Prisoner Squat (10 reps)
1B) Prisoner Lunge (8 reps)lunge
1C) Inverted Row (10 reps)
2A) Pull-up (Max-1)
2B) Elbow-to-Instep Lunge (8 reps) =>
3A) Hands on Ball, Feet on Bench Pushup (15 reps)
3B) 1-Leg RDL (10 reps)
4A) Shoulder Press Pushup (15 reps)
4B) Stability Ball 1-Leg Curl (10 reps)
5A) Jumping Jacks (60 reps)
5B) Chop (15 reps)
5C) Stability Ball Rollout (10 reps)
5D) Chin-up (6 reps)
Interval Workout B

30 minutes of fun activity and now to clear the air about fish oil…

Last week’s message simply meant, “Do NOT mega-dose fish oil unless you are under the care of a physician.”

It did not mean, don’t ever use fish oil.

The American Heart Association “recommends those people with coronary artery disease (CAD), should consume about 1 gram (1000 mg) of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids daily, preferably from eating fish.”

But to get the recommended 1 gram of omega-3 fatty acids, you would need to eat one to two servings of salmon, four to seven servings of cod, or four servings of shrimp per day – and a lot of the fish on the market is NOT quality fish.

In that case, you may choose to use a supplement…but in order to be conservative, talk to your doc first, especially if you have blood clotting issues or low blood pressure.


Workout C – TT Bodyweight Phase 5

1A) Y-Squat (10 reps)
1B) Cross Crawl (12 reps)
1C) Elevated Pushup (12 reps) => elvd-pushup-end
2A) Towel Row (Max-1)
2B) Rotate Lunge (10 reps)
3A) Chin-up (Max-1)
3B) Pushups with Hands on Ball  (15 reps)
4A) Spiderman Pushup (10 reps)
4B) Stability Ball Jackknife Rotation (8 reps)
5A) Siff Squat (25 reps)
5B) Multi-Direction Lunge (12 reps)
5C) Side Plank

Social Support Saturday!
Get 30 minutes of fun activity, and then…

“Figure yourself out; spend some time in introspection” – Frank McKinney.

That’s a brilliant idea for today… about_frank_book2

…so take 10-15 minutes for yourself to write down where you’re headed for the rest of the year, and what plans you want you to accomplish in 2010 and then put in some action steps you need to follow to reach those goals.

Keep it simple and clear.

Answer these questions:

1) Is the life you’re living worth what you are giving up to have it?
2) Are you doing what you want in life?
3) Are you living the personal life that you want?
4) Are you doing enough of the little things that make you happy?
5) Are you spending enough time with the people that make you happy?
6) Are you making the best use of the limited time you have in your one lifetime?

Simple questions. Simple answers.
Make a simple plan.
Develop simple solutions.

Sunday – Plan, Shop & Prepare
30 minutes activity and plan, shop, & prepare for the week ahead…

Now for the TRUTH about fruit and fat loss…

Danish researchers reviewed all the fruit and weight loss studies they could find (Obesity Reviews, Volume 10 Issue 6, Pages 639 – 647)…

And studies showed:

– fruit intake reduced body weight
– fruit consumption reduced the risk of developing overweight and obesity
– an inverse association between fruit intake and body weight

Bottom line: Fruit does NOT make you fat.


Alright, that’s it for this week, stay tuned for Bodyweight Bodybuilding, and:

Next week!
1) Another TT Workout dissected…
2) The 6th TT Transformation Contest ends – voting starts Dec 14th… kettlebell workouts
3) A nutrition tip on choosing the right number of calories for weight loss
4) Very Interestink Kettlebell Research!

Talk to you soon!

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training