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Getting Debtors to Pay

6 Secrets to Getting Debtors to Pay Up

By Paul Lawrence | 11/3/2007

I discovered that collecting money from debtors is really just a form of salesmanship. Here are my proven strategies that I’ve used for decades.

buy apartments

How to Buy Apartments With No Money Down

By Dave Lindahl | 10/16/2007

When I started investing in apartments, I didn’t have a job. Now I’ll teach you how to buy apartments and gain a fortune the way I did.


How to Build Instant Rapport for Real Estate Success

By Bill Twyford | 10/2/2007

Whether you’re a doctor, a real estate investor, or work in a fast-food restaurant, the way you communicate has a strong influence on people’s first impressions – good or bad.

doubling your money

5 Secrets to Doubling Your Money Every 3 Years

By Michael Masterson | 07/24/2007

The absolute fastest way to doubling your money every 3 years is to start a small business. Here are 5 secrets that will make this feasible.


Enjoying a Great Retirement

By Mark Morgan Ford | 06/25/2007

Chances are, your actual retirement will look quite different from the way you imagine it.


How to Bring the Right Customers to Your Website

By Paul Smithson | 06/20/2007

Whether you already have an Internet business or you’re thinking of starting one, you should have one major thing on your mind: driving traffic to your website. Learning how to do this is crucial to your success. After all, if you don’t have people browsing through your products or services, how can you sell them anything?

Writer’s Diarrhea

6 Ways to Cure Writer’s Diarrhea

By Steenie Harvey | 04/24/2007

Sometimes the problem is the opposite of writer’s block; it’s writer’s diarrhea. “Anybody can have ideas – the difficulty is to express them without squandering a quire of paper on an idea that ought to be reduced to one glittering paragraph.” – Mark Twain When faced with a 2,500-word assignment,…

Badmouthed at Work

How to Handle Being Badmouthed at Work

By Mark Morgan Ford | 04/13/2007

Handle being badmouthed at work by remembering that what is said about you behind your back says more about the speaker than it does about you.

Tiffany & Co.

You’ve Got to Wonder About Tiffany & Co.

By Mark Morgan Ford | 02/2/2007

Tiffany & Co. has created a high-end, luxury buying experience but still fails to employ back-end marketing to increase sales for return customers.

Sell Movie Ideas

How to Sell Movie Ideas to Hollywood

By Paul Lawrence | 01/25/2007

How to sell movie ideas that are based off real-life stories, without getting into legal or financial trouble from rights and optioning.


Stay Active and Live Longer

By Jon Herring | 08/15/2006

A new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association shows you things that make you live longer.