#1 Predictor for Weight Loss

Big news to go along with this funny picture…I’ll be releasing my TT Gauntlet weight loss workout soon for FREE…

…but ONLY to members of my Turbulence Training Facebook Fanpage (or membership site).

If you use Facebook, visit this link to become a fan of TT…and wait for that workout to be out soon.

=> Click here for the Turbulence Training Fanpage

The TT Gauntlet features…

The Abs Gauntlet workout that includes…

Stability Ball Ab Exercises
Some advanced pushups and chinups
A unique pullup exercise

I did this workout over 48 hours ago and my lower abs are still screaming…

More about this and all of the cool fat loss tips in this week’s coaching call.

Click here to listen to the TT Fat Loss call

And now, our fat loss tips.

Monday – March 22nd

Transformation Tip of the Week:
“Action may not always bring happiness; but there is no happiness without action.” – Benjamin Disraeli

And CB says, “you will need to make hard, uncomfortable choices in the short term in order to have long-term success, progress, and happiness. But don’t worry, it’ll only hurt a bit right now, but you’ll feel better for a long, long, long, long time.”

You can do it. I believe in you. Let me know about your success.

Now let’s hit a cool weight loss workout…

TT 2K10 – Workout A

1A) Squat Jumps – 8 reps (1-0-X)
1B) Decline Pushup – 1 rep short of failure (2-0-1)
1C) WYT – 8 reps per movement (1-0-1)
Rest 1 minute before repeating the circuit 2 more times.

2A) Barbell Squat or DB Split Squat – 8 reps (3-0-1) + CRASH Set**
2B) Stability Ball Ab Pike – 8 reps (2-0-2)
Rest 1 minute before repeating the circuit 2 more times.
**CRASH Set – When you have finished your 3rd round of the squat exercise, drop the weight by 25% and perform one more set of 8 reps.

3A) 1-Leg Hip Extension – 15 reps per side (2-0-1)
3B) 1-Leg Stability Ball Leg Curl – 10 reps per side (1-0-1)
3C) Stability Ball Plank – 45 second hold
Rest 1 minute before repeating the circuit 2 more times.

4) 10 Minutes of KB Swings – 40 seconds swings + 20 seconds recovery x 10 rounds

That’s it. Don’t hate me.

Get 30 minutes of fun activity – now grab a Green Tea and let’s do this week’s research review

Patient Educ Couns. Initial weight loss is the best predictor for success in obesity treatment and sociodemographic liabilities increase risk for drop-out. Elfhag K, Rössner S. Obesity Unit, Karolinska University Hospital Huddinge, Stockholm, Sweden.

OBJECTIVE: To figure out what predicts weight loss.

METHODS: 247 subjects went through 3 phases…a Pre-Treatment screening visit, a 5-week lecture series, and a longer term weight loss treatment.

RESULTS: The strongest factor for predicting weight loss in the Step II treatment was initial Step I weight loss.

That means if you lost weight early, you lost more weight over the long-term…meaning you really want to plan ahead with your nutrition and exercise and mindset to get off to an amazing start with your program.

BUT…the drop out rate was huge – 63% quit the study. OUCH.

Dropouts were most closely associated with:

  • lower education
  • being an immigrant
  • lack of occupation
  • fewer previous weight losses
  • higher body dissatisfaction.

Some of those you can change, some you can’t. Don’t focus on the ones you can change, but DO EVERYTHING to change the ones you can.

Bottom line:
Initial weight loss is the most certain factor for predicting treatment outcome.

Therefore, do everything you can to start with the BEST exercise and nutrition program so that you get immediate weight loss because that predicts future success.

Turbulence Training, anyone?


Another great, but slightly different TT weight loss workout program today…

TT 2K10 – Workout B

1) KB 1-Arm Swing or KB 1-Arm Snatch – 15 reps per side
Do NOT rest between arms (start with weak-side first).
Rest 1 minute & repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 sets.

2A) DB Low-Incline Press – 8 reps (3-0-1) + **CRASH SET
No rest.
2B) DB CSR [Chest Supported Row] – 12 reps (2-0-1) + **CRASH SET
Rest 1 minute & repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 supersets.
**CRASH Set – When you have finished your 3rd round of these exercises, drop the weight by 25% and perform one more set of 8 reps.

3A) Chin-Up with Knee-Up – 12 reps (3-0-1)
No rest.
3B) Dips – 1 rep short of failure (2-0-1)
Rest 1 minute & repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 supersets.

4A) DB Curls – 8 reps (2-0-1) + **CRASH SET
No rest.
4B) DB Overhead Triceps Extension – 12 reps (2-0-1) + **CRASH SET
No rest.
4C) DB Rear-Deltoid Raise – 10 reps (2-0-1)
Rest 1 minute & repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 supersets.
**CRASH Set – When you have finished your 3rd round of these exercises, drop the weight by 25% and perform one more set of 8 reps.

Do 30 minutes of fun activity…now one question that came up over and over again today was, “What should I do on my off-day workouts?”

The answer:
Its up to the individual…just don’t do so much that you can’t recover from – or prepare for – the real workouts in your program. That’s a big mistake folks make, going too hard on off-days and hurting the quality of their real training.

Here’s a circuit from TT2K10 to be done on your off-days…

Bodyweight Squats – 15 reps
Stick-up – 10 reps
Mountain Climbers – 10 reps per side
Calf Rolling – 10 reps
Foam Rolling – 10 reps
All upper body stretches from end of manual
Hip Extension Hold – 30 seconds
Plank – 60 seconds
Side Plank – 45 seconds per side
All lower body stretches from end of manual
Rest 1 minute before repeating one more time

The dumbbell alternatives for the Deadlift and Military Press are the DB Squat and DB 1-Arm Press with Palm-In (see photo section of the manual).

TT 2K10 – Workout C

1A) Deadlift – 8 reps (2-1-1) + **LIGHT CRASH SET
1B) Military Press – 6 reps (2-0-1)
Rest 1 minute & repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 supersets.
**CRASH Set – When you have finished your 3rd round of the deadlift, drop the weight by 50% and perform one more set of 8 reps.

2A) Forward Lunge 1 & ½ reps – 8 reps per side (2-0-1)
2B) Renegade Row – 10 reps per side (1-0-1)
Rest 1 minute & repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 supersets.

3A) BB Rollout – 8 reps (3-0-1)
3B) Side Plank + DB Lateral Raise – 10 reps per side (2-0-1)
Rest 1 minute & repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 supersets.

4) 5-Minute Suicides/Short Sprints – 15 seconds sprint + 15 second rest x 10 rounds

There is a 4th workout, but we’ll save for next week.

Social Support Saturday!
30 minutes of fun activity…and now for a nutrition public service announcement…

So it’s the weekend…the time when everyone who is struggling to lose fat falls off their nutrition plan…

Here’s something to consider:

If there is junk food in your house, you’re going to eat it.

So if you don’t want to eat it, get it out of your house. Otherwise, accept the fact you’re going to eat it eventually. That’s just the way it is, and that’s how good diets go bad. It’s like putting water on a gremlin after midnight.

And if family brings it in, then you put it in a place that is extremely difficult for you to access. A high cupboard, out of sight, out of mind. Research shows the harder it is to access, the less you eat. So stop accepting it and make it the next-best-thing-to-not-being-there-at-all.

To avoid night time binges:
Research shows the harder you make it to access these foods, the less you will eat of them. Opaque containers, stored in high cabinets or the basement, etc. will help you reduce intake. Also, use a food journal, and post what you eat online.

A post dinner snack like plain yogurt plus chocolate protein powder plus a couple of peanuts or some melted peanut butter is better than ice cream.

Sunday – Plan, Shop & Prepare
30 minutes activity and then plan, shop, & prepare.

Recently I’ve tried some new blender drink experiments…and the cucumber & kale versions didn’t work out…although I’ve been surprised to find that adding flax oil doesn’t mess up the shakes. I also use flax meal and walnuts to get healthy fats…but I try and switch it up often.

Finally, I’m always adding berries, and to keep the costs down, I just make sure that my mom picks a LOT in the summer and then freezes them – and then I steal them from her freezer when I visit.

Ok, that’s it…

Next week! – The Metabolism & Muscle Building Call

  • TT Workout – We’ll review 1 of my personal muscle building programs from my 2006 peak
  • Weekly Research Review – Hormone & Resistance Training Study
  • Nutrition – Muscle Building Nutrition
  • The Truth About Your Metabolism
  • I’ll share the 4th TT 2K10 workout

Have a great week,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS