2011 Plans for More Cool TT Stuff

So last year I wrote up my big plans for 2010 (you can re-read them to see where I succeeded and where I missed the mark). So t’is the season to do the same for 2011. Let’s take a look at my wacky ideas for adventures in 2011.


Programs of the Month: TT 2K11

I also plan on finally releasing two major projects:

a) TT Online Coaching (10 clients)
b) TT Cert promo (Inner Circle Beta)

For travel, I have two trips on the agenda…first up, Los Angeles. I’ll be visiting Alwyn Cosgrove at Results Fitness, and then hanging around with Joel Marion, and Vince Del Monte for the weekend. And the second trip is to Las Vegas, where I’ll be hanging out with young gun Alex Maroko and my best Armenian buddy, Bedros Keuilian.

And of course, the 10th TT Transformation Contest starts this month, with the last day to enter being Saturday, Jan 15th.

Then on January 15th, that’s the last day to enter the 10th Turbulence Training Transformation Contest. That’s your chance to win up to $1000 just for losing your belly fat.

Program of the Month: Braigz CallEntyne’s Ballantyne’s Day Workout Massacre
Bonus Program of the Month: The TT Beginner Training 2K11
Possible Double Bonus Program of the Month: TT Bodybuilding 2.0

The 6-week mini TT Transformation contest ends on February 25th.

For travel, I’ll be heading to Orlando to watch the Super Bowl with Joel Marionz and then later in February I’m off to Panama on a secret mission.

Program of the Month: “TT Switch”
Possible Bonus Program of the Month: TT Meatheads?
Trainer Program of the Month: TT Bootcamp 2K11
Definite Bonus Platinum Program of the Month: TT Clash of the Titans 2K11

Hopefully releasing the “TT Booty” DVDs in March as well.

For travel, I’m heading to Washington, D.C. in early March for a business seminar, and then I’ll be out in California just after St. Patrick’s Day to attend the Fitness Business Summit held by my best Armenian buddy, Bedros Keuilian.

Program of the Month: TT Abs 2K11
Possible Bonus Program of the Month: TT Adrenaline 2K11

And the winners of the 10th Transformation Contest will be awarded their prizes. Fun stuff!

For travel, I’m going to try and keep it to just one trip…a business seminar in Chicago.

Around this time I’ll probably be looking for a new apartment in the city of Toronto…unless I decide to do something radical. Probably won’t…will probably just move back closer to the downtown area of the city. We shall see…


Program of the Month: TT Meatheads 5×5 or “Super Meatheads” (I have no idea what that means, but Super Meatheads just has to be good, right?)

Couple of fun trips planned out west…First, to Las Vegas, again hanging with the Armenian Superstar, Bedros Keuilian, and then heading to San Diego to go surfing with Joel Marionz.

Program of the Month: TT Big 7
Possible Bonus Program of the Month: TT Bodyweight Cardio 4

Trips include: A visit to Portland, Oregon, to attend the World Domination Summit. And then the following weekend I’ll be off to NYC for my annual trip there with some non-fitness guys who like to spend way too much money on food and wine.

I also plan on hosting the 1st ever “TT Trainers Transformation Certification Summit” in Toronto.

Program of the Month: TT Bodyweight Bodybuilding 3.0
Possible Bonus Program: TT Resistance Cardio

And we’ll have our 2nd ever “TT Team Meeting” in Cheese Country, Wisconsin. Probably attend a Brewers’ game while I’m there.

Program of the Month: TT Addiction 2k11
Possible Bonus Program of the Month: TT 10-Minute Advanced Workouts (from that rascal, Braigz CallEntyne)

No work trips planned, but I’ve gone to Europe the past two Augusts, so I may as well make it 3 in a row.

Program of the Month: TT KB
Possible Bonus Program of the Month: TT for Runners
Possible Bonus Program of the Month: TT BW 500 2K11

Travel includes another trip to Vegas with Bedros…yep, 3 times per year at least. But that’s okay, I enjoy it.

Program of the Month: Braigz CallEntyne Evil Workoutingz (Bench & DL)
Possible Bonus Program of the Month: TT Female Bodysculpting 2.0

Travel? I’m sure something will come up, but as of now, nothing. I’d be okay with a month off from airports…

Program of the Month: TT Metabolic Resistance Training Circuits
Possible Bonus Program of the Month: TT Gain Muscle and Lose Fat 2.0

Travel: A business seminar in Atlanta.

Program of the Month: TT 15-Minute Express Workouts

And I’m sure I’ll create a nice Christmas gift for all TT readers, like I did this year with the TT 444-Challenge.