Why Cardio Makes You Fat

Funny story from my flight to Tampa yesterday…Tony Little, HyperActive Home Shopping Network fitness expert, sat right in front of me. We had a quick conversation about his Bison burger company (Note to self: Order these), and his 26 years (!) of being on TV. Tony is a great guy…BUT…
He looked ticked off and tired when he got on the plane. He must have known was I was going to write today. It won’t make any cardio fan happy.
“Cardio makes you fat,” says elite trainer John Meadows in an article I also happened to read on the plane.
Why does Cardio make you fat? Because long, slow, boring cardio causes you to lose muscle and that means your metabolism decreases – Big Time.
Your metabolism is a measurement of how many calories you burn each day.
If your metabolism decreases, as Meadows says it will from a cardio program, then it will be much HARDER to lose fat. So you struggle. And you think, “OK, I’ll just do MORE cardio.” But that’s the worst decision you could make. It will only slow you down more.
The result of dieting and cardio often leaves you “Skinny Fat” – a curse worse than chubby – because you now you have no muscle and a lower metabolic rate. Double YIKES!
If you’re a Personal Trainer – or if you want to be one – the Turbulence Training Certification course will show you how to help your clients burn fat fast WITHOUT any cardio in just minutes each day. You will be a HERO to your clients because they will finally lose fat and you will save them hours each week by exercising less, and being able to exercise at home.
Our TT mission is to certify 10,000 trainers all over the world so that we can transform 10 Million Lives together.
Click here to become a Certified Turbulence Trainer
Even if you can’t make our next live event – April 5&6th in Orange County, California – you can still get certified via our online videos. We have trainers in Australia, Singapore, Dubai, Qatar, and England that have all done the TT Certification from home.
And if you’re not a trainer, but just want to see the TT secrets in action, use this NO-equipment, 4-minute conditioning circuit in place of another long, slow, boring, ineffective cardio workout:
Click here to burn fat without cardio
I’ll even send you a free workout every day to help you lose fat without the downfalls of traditional cardio.
Just say NO to cardio,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS – I know what’s holding you back and it needs to stop.
First, you do too much cardio.
Second, you might even do too much exercise (more about this tomorrow!)
And third, you’re trying to do this all on your own.
But you need to get an Accountability Partner and a system for updating them every day.
Make it someone that accepts NO excuses, and demands that you take action and make progress every day. Plan & prepare, shareyour goals, get support, set a deadline – and SUCCEED.
The best accountability partner? A TT Trainer.
Click here to get TT Certified and start helping to change the world