The American Dream is NOT Dead

Last weekend, ETR business partner Matt Smith, myself, and two of our other partners worked with 45 international college students on their business ideas.
We did this at a camp we established here in Lithuania, which is a blend of “Shark Tank” and the “Apprentice” we call The BlackSmith Camp.
Each student submitted a business idea, we picked the best ones, and then the students formed groups. This was followed by a combination of teaching and group work over the next few days.
It was amazing to see these kids from all over the world bond together so quickly. Within 48 hours, the students gave nine group presentations and each one of them presented a perfectly viable business idea that solved a common problem. It was impressive, and the experience stands in stark contrast to the way others from their generation are behaving around the world.
But it still isn’t easy to take your ideas and create a six-figure business. It takes time and effort. I know all too well how hard it can be at the start.
In 2003 I was struggling. I had just failed with my first business venture and was working as a personal trainer from 6am to 8pm five days per week, followed by half-days on the weekend. While I enjoyed the work, it wasn’t what I wanted to do. My passion was in creating an online business in information marketing.
SUGGESTED: Online Marketing 101
While I struggled for years, I never gave up on my dreams. In fact, what truly kept me going during those tough times were my vision and goals. You have to find hope. YOUR American Dream is NOT dead unless you quit.
I truly believe everyone reading this article can achieve their version of the American Dream. In fact, at a recent seminar I attended in Los Angeles I was asked to pick a topic in which I had complete certainty and “sell’ the room on my idea in less than 30 seconds.
Here’s what I chose:
“I am absolutely certain that everyone, no matter who they are, can succeed if they put their mind to and follow a set of proven success strategies. I have no doubt that if you persist, you will succeed.”
In simpler terms, I believe in the “American Dream”.
Unfortunately, a lot of people feel like the American Dream being taken away from them today. Opportunities for small businesses are being sacrificed, not supported.
But if it means anything, there?s at least one Canadian (me) who still believes the American Dream is alive. I travel all across the great country of the America and I meet with hundreds of small business entrepreneurs every year. When I attend internet marketing and information marketing seminars, that’s where I feel the positive energy is unlike anything else.
Online marketers create their OWN economy. They create their own future. They don’t rely on anyone. They get it done themselves.
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That’s why I believe the American Dream is still alive, but I also know that it has changed. The NEW American dream is global.
You could live in the heart of America and run your one-person information publishing business from your kitchen table selling to other Americans and completely replace the income you make from your traditional job. And you can learn everything you need in the comfort of your own home as well.
Or you could be an American living in Argentina, selling your product in the UK, Australia, and all over the world.
Or you could move from India to the United States to attend the high-energy online marketing seminars where you network with the best and brightest and then set up shop to sell products online back in India while living the NEW American Dream stateside.
The possibilities are almost endless.
But I know this for certain…
The world is not going to be improved by the politicians.
The world is going to be improved by the people.
YOU can create your own economy.
Now is the time take charge of your future.
To learn more about building an online business and making money by simply solving other people’s problems, please watch this video.