3 Rules to Survive Christmas Dinner
Last Sunday afternoon I had my first Christmas dinner of the season. And now there are only THREE more to go. I’m looking forward to each and every one of them because I’ll survive them all – and stay lean – with these 3 rules.
Rule #1 – Use Christmas Dinner as a cheat meal.
Of course, if have 3 or 4 big dinners planned, that doesn’t solve the problem. So we need more solutions.
Rule #2 – Pick your pleasure
If your 2nd big dinner doesn’t fall on a cheat day, then you need to prioritize your preference for tasty pleasures.
At the meal, you get to choose just ONE of the treats. It could be…
– Grandma’s famous pecan pie
– extra potatoes with gravy
– a chocolate dessert
– a glass of Uncle Kenny’s hard-core eggnog
– etc.
But only ONE of the above. Pick your pleasure and enjoy it guilt-free.
Rule #3 – Be perfect the rest of the day.
From breakfast to lunch, and even with your snacks, focus on protein, fiber, fruits, and vegetables. Then enjoy your big dinner. It’s simple.
And for a proven perfect fat loss diet, use this nutrition program to plan all of your other meals to lose fat over Christmas.
Take a few minutes to watch Isabel’s free presentation she created for you, where she’ll expose four of the foods you should NEVER eat if you want to lose belly fat fast.
Proven to help you lose fat?
4 Foods NEVER to eat (free presentation)
This video is just in time to help cure your belly fat problem from the foods you’ll eat over the Christmas break.
You CAN survive Christmas dinner and end up LEANER over the holidays…if you listen to what Isabel says (and watch what SHE eats),
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS – Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.
I’ll be back next week with the details on how you can win $1000 in our next Turbulence Training Transformation Contest. It starts on Monday.