Meathead Fat Loss
I have a crazy travel schedule coming up…so it was nice to be at home last weekend. I was able to go down to the St. Lawrence Market, a Toronto institution, and picked up fresh fruits and vegetables.
This weekend I’ll be celebrating Joel Marion’s wedding in Tampa Bay, Florida (that’s him with his fiance Lisa in the photo)…then heading overseas to eastern Europe to see some friends.
In fact, while you are reading this, I’ll probably be on a 24 journey taking me from Tampa to Miami to Frankfurt to Vilnius, Lithuania. Crazy.
So lets get into it…
Click here to listen to the call…
Now let’s get into the TT Workout and tips…
Monday – Aug 9th
Transformation Tip of the Week:
You wouldn’t put an alcoholic in a bar if you wanted him to stop drinking…so make sure you are putting yourself in the right training environment for your goals…and that you are hanging around other achievers – no matter what aspect of your life – from fitness to financial to family. Avoid negative situations and negative people as much as possible.
TT Reformed Meathead Fat Loss Workout A
Squeeze your muscles at the end of EVERY repetition.
In the first week, do only 2 supersets instead of 3 supersets per exercise pair.
1A) DB Incline Press – 6 reps (3-0-1)
1B) DB Row – 6 reps (2-0-1)
Rest 1 minute before repeating 2 more times for a total of 3 supersets.
2A) Pull-up – Max reps (4-0-1)
2B) Dips – Max reps (2-0-1)
Rest 1 minute before repeating 2 more times for a total of 3 supersets.
3A) DB Triceps Extension – 8 reps (2-0-1)
3B) Barbell Curls – 10 reps (2-0-1)
Rest 1 minute before repeating 3 more times for a total of 4 supersets.
Jumps or Intervals
Vertical Jumps – 10 reps
Rest 10 seconds
Repeat 3 more times for a total of 4 rounds.
Get 30 minutes of fun activity – now grab a Green Tea and do this week’s research review.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise: August 2010 – Volume 42 – Issue 8 – pp 1511-1518. Increased Cardiometabolic Risk Is Associated with Increased TV Viewing Time.
Australian research study looked at over 11,000 people and found that increases in television watching above 10 hours per week were associated with increases in waist circumference, blood pressure, and cardiometabolic risk factors.
And this was INDEPENDENT of physical activity levels. Interesting.
Cut back on your TV if you do more than 10 hours per week.
Heading to Chicago for TT Team meeting…a cubs game, then a TT Team meeting on Thursday where we’ll discuss how we can help you better…In fact, there’s a cool surprise coming later this summer for all TT readers who have ordered the Turbulence Training manual or DVDs.
TT Reformed Meathead Fat Loss Workout B
1A) Barbell Squat – 12 reps (3-0-1) – with last set drop-set at 50-75%
1B) Stability Ball Rollout or Ab Wheel – 10 reps (3-0-1)
Rest 1 minute before repeating 2 more times for a total of 3 supersets.
2A) DB RDL – 12 reps (3-0-1)
2B) Stability Ball Jackknife – 12 reps (2-0-1)
Rest 1 minute before repeating 2 more times for a total of 3 supersets.
3A) Barbell Forward Lunge – 8 reps per side (2-0-1)
3B) Side Plank with DB Lateral Raise – 10 reps per side (2-0-1)
Rest 1 minute before repeating 2 more times for a total of 3 supersets.
Bodyweight Intervals
Burpees – 10 reps
Rest 30 seconds
Repeat 3 more times for a total of 4 rounds.
Do 30 minutes of fun activity…and now for a new component of the calls. I’m going to answer a Facebook question every week in our Thursday section of the 7-day guide.
Facebook question of the week: “How do you do foam rolling?”
Great question, and luckily Chris Lopez from just filmed this video for you.
TT Reformed Meathead Fat Loss Workout C
1A) Deadlift – 8 reps (2-0-1) – Use perfect form, no straps, overhand grip.
Rest 1 minute.
1B) DB Chest Press – 8 reps (3-0-1)
Rest 2 minutes before repeating 2 more times for a total of 3 supersets.
2A) Military Press – 8 reps (2-0-1)
2B) Inverted Row – Max reps (2-0-1)
Rest 1 minute before repeating 2 more times for a total of 3 supersets.
3-Minute Arms (Click here for 3-Minute Arms)
6-Minute Abs (Click here for 6-Minute Abs)
Bodyweight Squat Intervals
20 seconds of bodyweight squats
10 second hold in bottom position of squat
Repeat for 8 rounds.
Social Support Saturday!
30 minutes of fun activity…
And another study…
Am J Health Promot. 2010 July/August;24(6):378-383. The Drop It At Last Study: Six-Month Results of a Phone-Based Weight Loss Trial.
6-month trial to examine the efficacy of phone-based weight loss programs with varying levels of treatment contact (10 vs. 20 sessions) in comparison to self-directed treatment.
63 obese adults separated into 3 groups.
1) self-directed treatment
2) 10 phone coaching sessions
3) 20 phone coaching sessions
Weight losses were -2.3, -3.2, and -4.9 kg, respectively.
Participants who completed 10 or more sessions lost more weight (-5.1 kg) compared to those completed four or fewer sessions (-.3 kg, p < .04).
Conclusions: Phone-based weight loss program participation is associated with modest weight loss. The optimal dose and timing of intervention warrant further study.
Craig Ballantyne’s Bottom line: Enlist a trainer or social support from someone who will get on the phone with you on a regular basis. Once per week. Have a buddy you call every Saturday.
Sunday – Plan, Shop & Prepare
30 minutes activity and plan, shop, & prepare
I recently read “12 Steps to Raw Foods” and I’ve decided to bump up the number of raw foods in my diet (even though I already eat 60-80% raw foods). I’m experimenting with one serving of “Garden of Life Raw protein” each day and I’m going to cut out the toasted almond butter sandwich in the AM and switch to eating raw nuts and dates.
By the way, if you love to “cook”, here’s an amazing raw dessert for you to try (in a martini glass).
Next week!
TT Workout – Advanced Hotel Room BW Workouts
Research Review – Runners: Beware!
Social Support – Your Success Depends On Your Spouse & Social Support