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Stop Networking and Start Making Money

By Mary Ellen Tribby | 05/2/2011

When you get down to it, networking is cold, sterile… and it seems self-serving: one person trying to form a web of contacts whose sole purpose is to do something for him


Above All, Discretion

By Robert Ringer | 04/25/2011

There’s no question that some fans felt cheated when they found out that Major League Baseball players have been using performance-enhancing substances for years. It appears, however, that they are in the minority. Most fans don’t really care all that much about steroid usage. At the very least, they’re willing…


Are You Holding Yourself Captive?

By Bob Cox | 04/13/2011

Did you know that elephants are trained to stay where they are by tying a rope around one of their massive legs and attaching it to a peg in the ground? Can the peg and rope really hold back an elephant? Absolutely not! Then why does it work? Because elephants…


Winner Take All? The Yin and Yang of Negotiating

By Mark Morgan Ford | 02/19/2011

Sid had done it. He had convinced the IRS agent to forgive the mistake my partner Joel and I had made. He had spent three weeks with the guy, working mornings, golfing with him in the afternoon, and taking him out to dinner.


Getting Started As a “Connector”

By Jason Holland | 02/18/2011

Yesterday, I introduced you to Matthew Adams – and I told you about the very profitable form of networking he has mastered. I don’t mean handing out business cards at Chamber of Commerce mixers. I’m talking about actively building a group of contacts who can help you with your wealth-building…


The Business of Bringing People Together

By Jason Holland | 02/17/2011

Michael Masterson was shocked. He was at a meeting with some heavy hitters in South America – government officials and developers who were discussing a massive housing project. When one official, Mr. X, said the project would be in the $1 billion to $10 billion range – even Michael wasn’t…


Are You Being Duped by These 3 Pervasive Business Lies?

By Mary Ellen Tribby | 12/6/2010

“I was so inspired by your presentation! Now I finally understand what I need to do to start my own business,” Cynthia said. This was just one of many comments I heard after delivering my presentation at the 2010 Glazer-Kennedy Info-Summit. My presentation was called “Perception vs. Reality: Year One…


Love Is the Final Answer

By Noah St. John | 12/1/2010

There are only two ways to go through life: coming from Love and coming from Fear. Coming from Fear simply means believing in “not enough” — that there’s not enough money, not enough opportunity, not enough health, not enough love, not enough food, not enough water, not enough energy, not…


Don’t Build a List, Build a Community

By Mary Ellen Tribby | 11/9/2010

“Mom, Mikaela has Bieber Fever!” Connor yelled across the family room. Without thinking I asked, “Is it contagious?” Without missing a beat he said, “Not for me — but I think Delanie has caught it as well. Look in Mikaela’s room and see for yourself.” The minute I entered the…


Heart vs. Head

By Drayton Bird | 09/23/2010

What has come over us Limeys?

We were always known as a pretty dull, phlegmatic bunch, compared to the excitable French, the fiery Spanish, and the sexy Italians.


Where I Live

By Mark Morgan Ford | 09/18/2010

Knowing that I spend a significant amount of time outside the United States, Michael M. wrote to ask for my thoughts on living well in a foreign country. (Michael’s an ETR reader as well as a reader of International Living, a newsletter published by a client of mine.) Half of…


How to Have Lots of Good Friends

By Mark Morgan Ford | 09/11/2010

It’s been said that if you want friends to help you in the bad times, you have to help them in the good times.