Gain Muscle and Lose Fat
Last week to join the Turbulence Training Transformation Contest and win 6 months free of Turbulence Training membership. Very excited for this. Let’s get right into transforming you!
Monday – September 14th
This week’s top Transformation Tip:
“Identify exactly what is you want. Then don’t let anything stand in your way of getting it.” – Dave Kekich
Here are the 7 things you need to do to make this happen:
• Goal set.
• Write it down.
• Vision board.
• Plan, shop, prepare.
• Social support.
• Accept this will be hard. Now you’ve made it easy.
• Tell people how it is going to be.
Click here to get started in the Transformation and win 6-months free just for finishing
One of the best workouts for the transformation is…
Gain Muscle, Lose Fat Workout A
Superset #1
1A) Bench Press or DB Chest Press – 6 reps (3-0-1)
• Rest 1 minute.
1B) Snatch-Grip Deadlift or DB Squat – 12 reps (2-0-1)
• Rest 1 minute before repeating 2 more times for a total of 3 supersets.
Superset #2
2A) DB Incline Press – 8 reps (2-0-1)
• No rest.
2B) DB Row – 8 reps per side (2-0-1)
• Rest 1 minute before repeating 2 more times for a total of 3 supersets.
Superset #3
3A) Pushups – 20 reps (1-1-1)
• No rest.
3B) Underhand Inverted Bodyweight Row – 15 reps (1-0-1)
• Rest 30 seconds before repeating 1 more time for a total of 2 supersets.
Interval Workout A
Find 30 minutes of fun activity to do. You might even try doing it before work, after all…
“Morning time is magic time for getting stuff done and making progress!”
Click here to find out how to get more done
I really believe this is under-rated workout, and I didn’t tell enough people about it, it is one of my personal favorites.
Gain Muscle Lose Fat Workout B
Superset #1
1A) DB Reverse Lunge – 8 reps per side (2-0-1)
1B) Diagonal Ab Wheel or Stability Ball Rollout – 6 per side (2-0-1)
• Rest 1 minute before repeating 2 more times for a total of 3 supersets.
Superset #2
2A) 1-Leg Bench Squat – 8 reps per side (2-0-1)
2B) DB RDL – 8 reps (3-0-1)
• Rest 1 minute before repeating 2 more times for a total of 3 supersets.
Superset #3
3A) DB or Kettlebell Swing – 30 seconds (1-0-1) –
3B) DB Rear-Deltoid Raise – 12 reps (2-0-1)
• Rest 1 minute before repeating 2 more times for a total of 3 supersets.
Bodyweight Circuit
• Go through the circuit 3 times.
• Do not rest between exercises.
• Rest 1-minute at the end of each circuit.
4A) Y-Squat – 15 repetitions (1-0-1)
4B) Spiderman Pushup – 6 reps per side (1-0-1)
4C) Chin-ups – Maximum # of reps (3-0-1)
4D) Bulgarian Split Squat – 12 reps per side (2-0-1)
4E) Mountain Climbers – 15 reps per side (1-0-1)
Do 30 minutes of fun activity…and then listen to the call to find out the truth about post-workout sugar drinks.
Top nutritionists – real world nutritionists – like Alan Aragon are suggesting you eat whole foods because those provide more nutritious sources of the rpotein, carbs, and fats your body needs compared to sugary shakes. He was quoted in the October issue of Men’s health.
Workout C
Superset #1
1A) DB 1-Arm Shoulder Press – 8 reps per side (2-0-1)
• No rest.
1B) DB 2-Arm Underhand Row – 8 reps (2-0-1)
• Rest 1 minute before repeating 2 more times for a total of 3 supersets.
Superset #2
2A) DB Close-Grip Floor Press – 8 reps (2-0-1)
• No rest.
2B) DB Standing 1-Arm Curl – 8 reps per arm (2-0-1)
• Rest 1 minute before repeating 2 more times for a total of 3 supersets.
Superset #3
3A) Plank with Arms on Ball – 40 seconds
• No rest.
3B) Spiderman Climb – 10 reps per side (2-0-1)
• Rest 30 seconds before repeating 2 more times for a total of 3 supersets.
Interval Workout B
Social Support Saturday!
Do 30 minutes of fun activity and if you have any crazy weekend plans, just set some rules and expectations. Plan for your rewards, and avoid the stuff that you don’t really need. It’s that simple.
Sunday – Plan, Shop & Prepare
30 minutes activity and plan, shop, & prepare.
Find out why you should be soaking nuts and seeds in a very interesting vegetarian video from Kardena Pauza.
And don’t forget to join the Turbulence Training Transformation Contest this week and win 6 months free in the TT Members area just by finishing!
Next week!
• TT mini bodyweight workouts
• Diet for fat loss info