Do NOT Give In To This

Today I have two challenges for you.

The first is mental.

The second is physical. (A really cool push-up challenge.)  You see, it’s tempting for all of us – myself included – to remain in our comfort zones.

Do NOT give in to that desire. Here’s why…

That is not where we grow, improve, and make the changes necessary to dramatically move forward.

My FIRST challenge to you is to do the opposite.

Look at what you are doing to stay in your comfort zone and think, “What is the opposite action of my instinct? And would this opposite action be the better solution?” (And yes, for Seinfeld fans, this is the old “George Costanza” method.)

Take me up on this challenge and join the FREE $100,000Transformation Contest at:

The deadline was extended for you for two reasons.

First, a lot of people wanted to start on the weekend. Maybe that was you. So there you go. You’re all set.

Second, to be honest with you, the truth is that I want to get more people in the contest.

Right now we have 43,789 people entered, but one of my personal contest goals was to hit 50,000 entries.

We can do it – with YOUR help.

And then you can win my money.

So take my challenge. Do NOT give in. Keep on pushing…

…no matter how much you might have struggled in the past.

It doesn’t matter if this is your third time trying to startnew habits this year.

You must keep on going.

And the contest gives you the support and confidence you needto overcome past defeats.

This time will be DIFFERENT.


Failure isn’t bad. Failure isn’t final. If there is one thing I know after having observed this crazy world for 37 years, it’s that you can SURVIVE almost anything and come back better and stronger than ever before.

Don’t let the fear of failure stop you from achieving the success you deserve.

There will be days when you struggle to exercise, and that is okay. Just never give up.

Realize everyone else goes through this, and not quitting is what separates the successful from the frustrated.

Don’t give up. Keep on pushing!

Speaking of pushing…here’s a physical challenge for you.

Let’s find out how many pushups can you do in 4 minutes.

Set a timer, and go for it.


Don’t go to failure. Just start with about 60% of your maxreps, then rest 10-15 seconds, and repeat. Keep on going, doing a few less reps each set to avoid fatigue. After 2-3 minutes it will be tough, but focus on that deadline.

Let me know how many you can do.

Just drop by:

and update there.

And then spend the next 90 days working on your fitness andchanging all areas of your life.

You might even win my money,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS – Take me up on the FREE…

…Transformation Contest before Monday night at:

It’s free to enter and you’ll get a ton of free content to help you change your diet and workouts – and even fix any financial problems you might be having.

Let’s go!

Stay strong.

Do NOT give in.

Keep pushing on!