3 Best Dynamic Bodyweight Ab Exercises
That’s what you’re going to get in a series of new articles dedicated to the TOP moves for each body part.
We’re going to start with the 3 best dynamic bodyweight ab exercises. No weights needed. I’ve even put them all together in one circuit in my latest and greatest fat burning program (you’ll see them from 2B-2D in bold).
Here’s the workout, called “#RiseandGrind“:
Day 3 – Workout B – #riseandgrind
Start with the general bodyweight warm-up circuit.
Specific Warm-up Sets:
- Do 1A with 50% of normal weight for 8 reps.
- Do 1B and 1C for 3 reps each.
1A) Deadlift – 20 reps (2-0-1-0)
1B) Prisoner Squat Jump – 6 reps
1C) Pike Pushup – Max Reps (2-0-1-0)
Rest 30 seconds and repeat 2 more times.
2A) Bodyweight Bulgarian Split Squat – 15 to 25 reps per side (1-0-1-0)
2B) X-Body Mountain Climber – 20 reps per side (1-0-1-0)
2C) Power Wheel Rollout or Stability Ball Rollout – 20 reps (3-0-1-0)
2D) Stability Ball Jackknife – 20 reps (1-0-1-0)
Rest 30 seconds and repeat 2 more times.
Then you’ll finish with a Metabolic Conditioning circuit (only found in the TT Grindhouse manual deal here).
Why are those the 3 best bodyweight ab exercises?
Well, first, for beginners, you still need to master the Plank, Side Plank, and Bird Dog exercises. Those are the 3 best ab moves if you are just starting out. You need to be able to hold a Plank for 2 minutes straight, and a Side Plank for 60 seconds on each side. If you can’t pass both of those tests, spend more time on the basics.
But if you are ready to hit your six-pack abs even harder, we want to go with the “Stretch & Contract” system found in my top 3 dynamic ab moves.
First, the best of the 3 is the Rollout move. You stretch your abs on the way out, and contract them hard to return to the start position. But unlike with sit-ups and crunches, you do NOT round your low back – and therefore you protect your low back from injury.
But to add a twist to this circuit, I put the Rollout second in order. We’ll pre-fatigue the abs with high-rep X-Body Mountain Climbers that work your abs in stability (like a Plank) and your obliques with the cross-body movement of your knee.
To make that move even harder, you can put your feet on a ball or in TRX straps. You might need to do fewer reps if you use the advanced version.
Finally, we close out the circuit with the Stability Ball (or TRX) Jackknife. Your abs are stretched out in the plank position, and then you contract from the lower portion of your abs to bring your knees to your chest.
Those 3 ab exercises go to together like peanut butter and jelly and ice cream (what, ice cream goes amazing with ANYTHING – okay, what “those 3 ab exercises go together like pancakes, butter, and real maple syrup <= at leastMikey Whitfield will like that one!).
The X-Body hits the obliques.
The Rollout hits the six-pack with the Stretch & Contract system.
The Jackknife works from lower abs up to the top.
Boom goes the six-pack dynamite!
You’ll love that circuit.
Get the full TT Grindhouse program here for just $9
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer