500 Pound Fat Loss Goal
A quick request for help on my 500 Pound Fat Loss Goal for the 11th Turbulence Training Transformation Contest.
As I hope you know, we have just opened up the 11th TT Transformation Contest, and you can enter ANY time between today and May 30th (Memorial Day).
You then have 12 weeks to lose fat and transform your body, in hopes of winning one of four $1000 grand prizes in our categories (men and women over and under 40).
I’ve also added a personal goal to the contest.
I want to help TT users lose a cumulative total of over 500 lbs of fat.
So that means 50 people losing an average of 10 pounds, or 100 people averaging 5 pounds of fat loss.
I know WE can do this. But I need your help.
First, I hope you join the TT Transformation Contest.
It doesn’t cost anything to enter, and you can find all the rules here:
=> The Turbulence Training Transformation Contest
Second, if there’s any way you can help, such as by convincing a friend or family member to join the contest, it would be greatly, GREATLY appreciated.
I’ve never “counted” up the pounds before, but this time we’re going for 500.
The TT 500 – fat loss style.
Let’s do this,
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS – If you have any questions about helping, please let me know.
PPS – Maybe we can even hit 750 or 1000. Wouldn’t that be great?
category: Transformation Contest
tags: body transformation contest and a couple of fat loss tags
Title: 500 Pound Fat Loss Goal
a quick request for help on my 500 Pound Fat Loss Goal for the 11th Turbulence Training Transformation Contest.
As I hope you know, we have just opened up the 11th TT Transformation Contest, and you can enter ANY time between today and May 30th (Memorial Day).
You then have 12 weeks to lose fat and transform your body, in hopes of winning one of four $1000 grand prizes in our categories (men and women over and under 40).
I’ve also added a personal goal to the contest.
I want to help TT users lose a cumulative total of over
500 lbs of fat.
So that means 50 people losing an average of 10 pounds, or 100 people averaging 5 pounds of fat loss.
I know WE can do this. But I need your help.
First, I hope you join the TT Transformation Contest.
It doesn’t cost anything to enter, and you can find all of the rules here:
=> The Turbulence Training Transformation Contest
Second, if there’s any way you can help, such as by convincing a friend or family member to join the contest, it would be greatly, GREATLY appreciated.
I’ve never “counted” up the pounds before, but this time we’re going for 500.
The TT 500 – fat loss style.
Let’s do this,
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS – If you have any questions about helping, please let me know.
PPS – Maybe we can even hit 750 or 1000. Wouldn’t that be great?