3 Tips to Build Muscle
T’is the season to build muscle. Fa la la la la, now pass the Swedish meatballs! (<= Sounds best when sung out loud.)
After all, we can’t let all of that holiday food go to waste.
So STOP worrying about enjoying yourself and FORGET about trying to use the cardio “confessional” to burn off a few goodies…and instead, learn how to put those foodz into the musclez…and put curves in all the right spots on your body.
Here’s how:
1) Train with enough volume. There’s no exact study I can point to, but about 40 quality repetitions per muscle group seems to work in many studies for muscle growth, and this should be
done 2-3 x’s per week. Use this program.
2) Train close to failure with a weight you can lift 6-15 times. It’s possible that even higher reps work, but you just won’t get as strong.
3) Switch your program on a regular basis. Experience suggests 3 weeks for advanced and up to 6 weeks for beginner/intermediate.
The best program to use to build muscle is one that is constantly changing…and comes from the PRO’s. Stop trying to make one up yourself unless you are as big as these two guys.
Use their program because it will work for you
In addition to a new, PROVEN muscle building workout each month, you’ll also get a free seminar (that people paid over $150 each to attend) on “Advanced Techniques for Muscular Hypertrophy & Fat Loss Seminar Video” with my friend and PRO bodybuilder, Ben Pakulski.
BUT…that bonus muscle-building advice is only available TODAY.
Get started on building muscle right now with your holiday calories
And listen, no matter what your goals, let me give you some advice.
You must…
Eliminate the distractions and bottlenecks in your life. Make a list and commit to eliminating one each week. Connect with your social support group and tell them about your changes. This accountability always helps.
And then…
Fix Your Mindset. You must truly believe that you are capable of success. You must truly believe that you are the type of person that follows the habits that will help you reach your goal.
You must truly believe that you are not the type of person that engages in the wrong behaviors. Once your mindset is right, your behaviors and habits will change allowing you to achieve incredible results.
Identify one action that you can take TODAY that will take you closer to your major goal.
Then take it…and make progress every day.
Stay strong, take action, and never give up on what is important to you.
Proud of you for taking action,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS – If you want to gain 2 pounds of muscle or 20 pounds…
…you need to see this video.
Get the Muscle Building Breakthrough video here
But hurry, it’s gone tonight.