Special Workout and Contest Announcement

…for Turbulence Training.
First, your last day to enter the $100,000 Transformation Contest is Friday. You can win money for improving your Health, Wealth, and Wisdom (i.e. relationships, habits, etc.).
And it’s free to enter. Join over 33,127 folks already changing their lives here:
After that we have an even BIGGER announcement.
Later this week, the absolute coolest, most awesome workout and follow-along video programs I’ve ever created will be coming YOUR way.
This has been a HUGE 6-month project (delayed of course by the hundreds of hours of video editing) that I did with Certified Turbulence Trainers, Mike Whitfield and Brian Kalakay at Brian’s gym in Lapeer, Michigan.
We hunkered down in the gym and filmed for 6 days until our muscles could take no more.
And we did this ALL for YOU.
So what is it?
A brand NEW revolutionary fat loss program complete with NO-equipment follow-along workout videos that you can do ANYWHERE, ANYTIME – from your living room to hotel room.
This new TT Revolution Workout is the latest evolution in fat burning workouts based on pure science and over 15 years of my fat burning experience with hundreds of thousands of TT readers and clients.
Plus, it’s the ONLY program to contain The Ultimate Fat Loss Key(TM) – used in both the workouts AND the Revolutionary new diet program that you’ll also receive.
This is The ANSWER to your fat burning struggles.
It will eliminate every excuse in the book and finally give you the results you DESERVE.
Because the Ultimate Fat Loss Key has never been available before.
According to the most recent statistics of the United States, knowledge of this secret fat loss key is so uncommon that less than one in 350 men and one in 500 women even know of its existence.
Losing fat fast isn’t just about doing things other people don’t do. It’s more about knowing things other people just don’t know. I’m talking about real secrets.
And the people that know them… the people that know what it takes to get an awesome body… you might refer to these people as, “The Insiders.”
“The Insiders” know how to train to lose fat fast – and by fast, I mean both in just a short amount of workout time and in getting rapid fat loss results in just a few days. Most other people just don’t have a clue.
Don’t beat yourself up if that’s you.
You see, it’s NOT your fault.
But the bottom line is that people who are lean, sexy and strong have better information than you do about what works for fat loss.
So if you’re sitting there right now, overweight and frustrated with how you look… If you’re just plain sick and tired of trying things that just don’t work…
Then, unfortunately, you don’t know the secret either. YET. But you will in just a few days. And then you’ll be an Insider.
In fact, I’ve created over 131 fat burning workouts since 2001 using my trademarked metabolic resistance training system, but I’m not done there.
Today there are Certified TT Trainers all around the world, from the UK to the Middle East, and from Australia to Atlanta.
And over 205,000 people subscribe to my daily emails. Plus, I continue to write each day on my blog at MensHealth.com and
deliver valuable motivation and inspiration to the tens of thousands of men and women just like you on Facebook.
But I’ve saved my best work for last in this NEW at-home fat burning workout program. This new system, based on the Ultimate Fat Loss Key, is going to give you your fastest results ever WITHOUT equipment.
What makes this new TT program different from all other home fat burning workouts on the market is the use of the NEW Ultimate Fat Loss Key in each and every session.
Fortunately, the Ultimate Fat Loss Key is available to everyone, anytime, and anywhere.
Once you have this Ultimate Fat Loss Key in your possession, you’ll literally be just minutes away from unlocking your body’s almost unlimited fat burning potential.
With this Insider knowledge you can finally burn all the belly fat you’ve wanted, getting double, triple, or yes, even QUADRUPLE the results from this system.
In fact, research on the Ultimate Fat Loss Key suggests that you’ll even be able to OUT-Train a BAD diet.
With the Ultimate Fat Loss Key you can still burn belly fat even if you can’t stick to any kind of diet!
What makes these NEW workouts different is:
1. Using only the best bodyweight exercises in a RESEARCH proven format for the ultimate fat loss workout in just a few minutes each day
2. A program that you can do with LITERALLY no equipment, so you don’t have to buy bands and dumbbells and all sorts of other equipment to go with the DVDs you bought on TV
3. PLUS, you’ll be able to watch ALL of these workouts on your computer AND easily download them to your favorite “i” device.
I could go on and on about what makes this program different, and you’ll read – and watch my video – with more information about the NEW workouts in a less than 48 hours.
As you’ll quickly see, there is NOTHING else like this new TT Workout Revolution System anywhere in the world.
You’re going to love these new workouts, and YES, you can use them in both the $100,000 Transformation Contest AND the 16th Turbulence Training Transformation Contest.
BIG things to come!
Stay tuned for tomorrow’s email and AMAZING deal that is ONLY available to TT readers – not the general public.
Time for a NEW fat burning revolution,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer