Restaurant Dinner Diet Secrets
When you eat dinner at a restaurant, it’s easy to eat more than 1,500 or 2,000 calories at one sitting. Yikes! That’s a full day’s worth of calories.
Pre-dinner bread & butter: 200 calories
Pre-dinner cocktail: 150 calories
Appetizer: potentially a 500-1,500 calorie bomb
Steak: 300-500 calories
Potato: 150-300 calories
Vegetable: 100 calories
Beverage: 150 calories
Dessert: 300-750 calories
After-dinner drink: 150 calories
And that’s only if you control yourself. If you go on a feeding frenzy, you could be looking at 2,500 or even 3,000 calories. Those numbers are scary.
Fortunately, there are ways to avoid this dietary nightmare while dining out. Here are five guidelines for cutting 1,000 calories from your restaurant meals…
1. Plan ahead and avoid restaurants that serve huge portions. (Cheesecake Factory and Outback Steakhouse, for example.)
2. Skip the bread. Eating it won’t stop you from eating your full meal too, so just send it back.
3. Don’t order booze or liquid calories of any type.
4. Avoid potatoes. Stick to your protein and your vegetables.
5. Reward yourself with only the tiniest bit of dessert, if any.
It’s all about taking responsibility for your choices.
[Ed. Note: You don’t have to eat bland, boring food to stay healthy. But you DO have to make smart choices when it comes to your eating habits. And to burn the calories you consume at restaurants, begin a fat-blasting resistance-training regimen like fitness expert Craig Ballantyne’s Turbulence Training program.]