Hottest Workout in the World – TT Metabolic Resistance Training

What the heck is this new style of workout that fitness experts are calling “Metabolic Resistance Training”?

Metabolic Resistance Training (MRT) workouts are advanced fat burning sessions that are a hybrid-fusion of bodybuilding set and rep schemes with an interval training twist all in a total body workout system.

Bodybuilding workouts are metabolic, but they fail to be ultra-metabolic because those workouts focus on one body part at a time.

So the next step is to do total body workouts.

Plus, the TT MRT workouts add in a greater interval training response for fat burning. You’ll love it when you use some high rep bodyweight exercises, kettlebell swings, and short sprints.

My MRT program contain two different types of MRT workouts.

First, there is the heavier resistance, classic MRT program.

And second, there is the higher rep, Metabolic Conditioning style workouts.

Both are used in my MRT program.

The workouts are different than anything they’ve tried before.

I’ve managed to create workouts that are fun, fast, effective, and even give you a bit of that bodybuilder pump and fatigue.

It’s the best of all worlds, and the results are dramatic – and quickly noticeable.

So get ready to achieve more with your workouts – and get faster fat burning results than you have gotten with any other program. TT MRT is the hottest thing going in the fat loss world today.


Train hard but safe,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Certified Turbulence Trainer