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Why Are You Waiting for Someone Else to Inspire You?

By Mark Morgan Ford | 10/19/2004

I met Bella for the first time six years ago, while she was attending her first copywriting bootcamp (which, like ETR’s Wealth-Building Bootcamp, is now hosted every year by the Agora Learning Institute). She was an energetic, recently divorced, ambitious 36-year-old, bubbling with ideas. “This is the best conference I’ve…


How to Launch a Profitable New Business

By Early to Rise | 10/11/2004

If you want to be a business-building genius — or just make a ton of money this year — learn these five proven (and absolutely true in my experience) secrets of highly successful entrepreneurs. Secret No. 1. Don’t spend too much time planning. When you are entering a market, you…


How to Use Speed to Increase Sales

By Graham McGregor | 10/9/2004

You can develop a competitive advantage — and increase your sales — simply by making speed your No. 1 customer service priority. Here are a few examples of the way businesses I know have done it: * A major bank based a marketing campaign on a promise that its customers…


How to Get Your Business Going Again

By Early to Rise | 10/6/2004

The economy is dragging — and it doesn’t look as if it’s going to improve any time soon . . . if ever. Though most of the businesses I know are still profitable, the margins have fallen and profits are low. Back-end sales are still healthy. But all those sales…


The Four Critical Success Factors for a New Business

By Early to Rise | 10/4/2004

If you spend countless hours and hundreds of pages planning your new business venture, you are wasting a lot of time. That’s mostly because you don’t know the most important secrets about the new (to you) market. What’s most critical to know about any business is invisible to newcomers. No…


Motivate Your Prospect to Buy in Five Easy Steps

By Mark Morgan Ford | 10/2/2004

Successful marketers use this well-established, step-by-step formula for all forms of sales copy, including direct mail, e-mail, and Internet promotions: 1. Get attention. Write an effective headline or teaser. 2. Identify the problem or need. Orient your prospect and put him in a receptive mood for what is to come. 3. Position your product…


Strategic Alliances for Your ETR Microbusiness

By Paul Lawrence | 09/30/2004

Have you noticed that a lot of businesses seem to be working together? For example, when a major children’s movie comes out, you can buy special cups with the characters imprinted on them at your local McDonald’s. It’s not a coincidence. Efforts like these are called “cooperative marketing promotions.” And…


Get Over Your Fear of Venturing Out of Your Comfort Zone

By Early To Rise | 09/29/2004

You may remember Frank McKinney’s story from Message #1194 . How, having little experience with real estate and almost no money, he started small, buying, renovating, and selling foreclosures in the poor parts of town . . . and eventually became the most renowned creator of luxury oceanfront homes in…


What the World’s Most Successful Marketers Do

By Bob Bly | 09/28/2004

I recently listened to a talk given by Joseph Sugarman, founder of JS&A and widely recognized as one of the greatest mail-order marketers of all time. JS&A is the company that sells those Blue Blocker sunglasses you see advertised on TV and in magazines. And, by the way, the glasses…


The Beauty of Barter

By Paul Lawrence | 09/22/2004

When you hear the word “barter,” you may conjure up images of ancient primitive societies where the only means of exchanging goods and services was through direct trade. But now, barter represents an interesting business opportunity for modern entrepreneurs. The most basic form of barter is when you make a…


What You Can Learn From Kilwin’s Ice Cream Shop About Attracting Customers

By Early to Rise | 09/14/2004

The place: ETR’s hometown, beautiful Delray Beach, Florida. The time: A Saturday night in August, 8 p.m. The scene: The town’s main drag, Atlantic Avenue. Hip shops and restaurants line the street. The sounds of live music emanate from Elwood’s BBQ and the City Limits club. Mobs of tourists and…


Create a Powerful, Memorable “Unique Selling Proposition”

By Bob Bly | 09/9/2004

‘Rosser Reeves introduced and defined the USP and its three components in his 1970 book “Reality in Advertising” . . . and the book is long out of print. I remember reading the three-point definition of a USP in Reeves’ book years ago, but when I went back to check…