Cardio Workout

Yes, I AM doing cardio.



Because I need to be tough.

I’m preparing for a 10-mile tough mudder race in Beaver Creek, Colorado, in June.

And so recently I ran 4 miles in 29 minutes. Not bad.

(Definitely not slow cardio…although it wasn’t exciting.)

I’ve also ran 8 miles in just over an hour.


To build up my body for the 10 miles.

Now I’m ready.

Are you?

I can get you ready in 4-8 weeks for 5 bucks here

(Perfect for runners and endurance athletes of all kinds.)

Discover the Safe and Quick Way to Getting Fit For 10 Mile Runs and Obstacle Courses with TT Adventure Race Training

Run, get dirty, and go through strength obstacles – that’s that my friend, Matt Smith, challenged me to try.

And you know what….

It’s this new trend – “Adventure Race Training” – that everyone can’t help but rave about. And who wouldn’t when you can be a kid all ov kid all over again PLUS lose stubborn fat and gain lean muscle at the same time.

NOTE: I just hit a personal best in the deadlift while still training with cardio, thanks to my unique plan.

It’s time to let out the kid inside of you.

And that’s exactly why I’ve put together this one-of-a-kind  workout program. In TT Adventure Race Training, you get to train as though you’re preparing to compete in one of the most physically demanding races – the Tough Mudder race.

NOTE: You don’t have to be doing an adventure race to get the fat burning benefits of this workout. ANYONE of an advanced fitness level can try this tough program.

And inside this special TT program, you’ll go through The “Adventure 600”, a brutal challenge workout designed to increase your strength and endurance, two total body workouts that’ll shred the last bits of stubborn fat, AND you’ll have a plan for gearing up to run 10 miles in a Tough Mudder.

Whew – that’s a LOT.

But it rocks.

And not only that, you’ll also discover that these TT exercises will help get you through the obstacles you’ll face going through the Tough Mudder race – that way you’ll ace the race  while leaving your friends in awe… not to mention all the heads you’ll be turning with your lean and ripped physique.

But what if you have NO intention of ever doing an adventure race?

That’s totally fine because you can still use these 3 powerful workouts to rapidly transform the way you look and feel. I guarantee it.

Heck, the hill sprint program alone is one of the nastiest fat burning challenges I’ve ever put together. And with a new challenge every week, you’re going to get better and faster, all while shrinking your waistline and looking hotter than ever in time for summer.

Throw in the first metabolic resistance training circuit from Workout B, and your metabolism will be revved so high, fat  simply won’t stand a chance of staying around for beach season.

And then there’s The Adventure 600, an 8-exercise, all out fat burning circuit, swooping in to put the finishing touches on a beautifully sculpted physique.

So whether you’re training for an adventure race or simply wanting to transform your body, I promise these workouts will deliver amazing results.

Get adventurous. Get TT Adventure Race Training.

Get it for FIVE dollars here

Get super-fit with CB and TT like never before,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer