Bodyweight Cardio in a Hotel or Park

T’is the season for more bodyweight exercises in the park. Or your hotel room, check out this feedback:

“Just a thank you for BWC 5. I have been able to do A and B in my hotel room in Le Mans, France. Keeps me feeling almost
normal over here.” – Suzy Stout, via Facebook

Regardless of whether you like it hot or not, I once did this bodyweight session in a hotel room in Jersey with the airconditioning on full-blast and I was still sweating buckets.

It’s Workout A of TT Bodyweight Cardio 5

  • Start with a general bodyweight warm-up circuit.
  • Do each exercise for 50 seconds and rest for 10 seconds
  • before moving to the next exercise.
  • Rest 60 seconds after completing each circuit.
  • Go through each circuit once.
  • For the TRX Circuit (3A-3E), use non-TRX versions if you
  • don’t have a TRX or Jungle Gym XT.

1A) Prisoner Lunge
1B) Cossack Lunge
1C) 1-Leg RDL
1D) Pushup Plus
1E) Total Body Extension

2A) Bench Vault
2B) Lunge Jumps
2C) Spiderman Pushups
2D) Close-Stance Bodyweight Squat

3A) Bulgarian Split Squat – 25 seconds per side
3B) Atomic Pushup
3C) Bodyweight Row
3D) Ab Fallout
3E) Jackknife or Pike

4A) Low Box Jumps
4B) Sprinter Step-up
4C) Decline Close-Grip Push-up
4D) Prisoner Reverse Lunge
4E) Total Body Extension

5A) Burpees
5B) Run-in-Place
5C) X-Body Mountain Climber
5D) Diagonal Lunge
5E) Jumping Jacks

Static Stretching for tight muscles to finish off.  It’s the perfect plan for the park, the gym, your hotel room, or your home.

And if you want the rest of the program, you can get it PLUS TT Bodyweight Cardio 1.0 and the legendary TT Bodyweight
Cardio 3 for just $19.95.

That’s one of the best bodyweight workout deals ever.

=> Get three monthly Bodyweight Cardio programs here

Burn fat and build muscle at the park,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS – If it’s already really hot (or cold) where you are…

…don’t panic.

You can do these workouts inside.

In fact, I “invented” Bodyweight Cardio 5 inside a New Jersey hotel room out of necessity. That hotel had one of the WORST gyms of any hotel I’d ever stayed at. But I still got a great workout with this program.

=> Get the Bodyweight Cardio Circuit Workout System here

Never worry about a gym again.