Bodyweight 200 Finisher

This is so weird. But good weird. You see, over 1,859,000 people have watched my 300 workout video on Youtube. Crazy, huh? And thousands more – including all the readers of Men’s Health magazine got hooked on my Bodyweight 500 workout when I released it in 2009.
Now for the good news…today, we have a brand NEW challenge for you.
Get ready for the “Bodyweight 200 Challenge Finisher Workout” from Master Certified Turbulence Trainer, Mikey “Pancakes” Whitfield. You’ll also get some unique new bodyweight exercises that will challenge your muscles in new ways.
Legendary 200 Bodyweight Finisher
Do the following circuit twice, resting ONLY when needed.
1) Burpees (10 reps)
2) Narrow-Stance Bodyweight Squat (20 reps)
3) Pushup/X-Body Mountain Climber Combo (20 reps)
4) Alternating Diagonal Lunge (10 reps per side)
5) Plank to Triceps Extension (10 reps)
6) Skater Hops (10 reps per side)
The next time you do this Bodyweight Challenge Finisher, try to beat the previous time it took you to complete it.
Challenge Finishers aren’t the only type of Bodyweight Finisher that give you advanced fat-burning results. You can also use …
A Ladder Finisher…(no ladder required, LOL!)
A Density Circuit Finisher…
A Gauntlet Finisher…(no Gauntlet required)
… all using ZERO equipment.
Mikey has over 41 new bodyweight-only finishers available for you today.You’ll also be the first to get his NEW & unique 20-10 Finishers.
Did you know that a recent study from the American Council on Exercise revealed you can burn up to 360 calories using Mikey’s finishers. And you can get them all – WITH videos – right here:
51 NEW Bodyweight Exercise Finishers here <= Includes 20-10’s
In the total package, you’ll get…
41 Bodyweight Finishers
10 Bonus 20-10 Bodyweight Finishers
Mikey’s “Bodyweight Dirty Thirty” 2.0 Four-week program
Mikey’s “Bodyweight Adrenaline” Four-week program
That’s a sweeter deal than getting half-off Mikey’s favorite pancake syrup. But hurry, these truly NO-equipment workouts are only under twenty bucks this week during Mikey’s Bodyweight Finishers video release celebration.
Finish your workout with these great workouts,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer