Mediterranean Salad (Mason Jar Recipe!)

Last Sunday, as I do every Sunday, I made my Mason jar meals for the upcoming workweek. The beautiful weather we’ve had in Florida reminded me sunny days in the South of France with my husband and family, so I felt it was appropriate to make a Mediterranean salad for my post-weekend fuel. This Mediterranean…

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Mason Jar Salad Recipe Makes Lunch Easy!

As a busy working mom, the first thing I cut off my task list is packing my own lunch. Who has time for that? However, not packing a lunch usually leads to eating unhealthy foods and unintended weight gain. Having a healthy salad for lunch can change the whole day. That’s why mason jar meals…

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Snooze Your Way to Health

On Valentine’s Day, my husband and I couldn’t get a babysitter so we ended up spending it with our kids and headed to Orlando, Florida for some tourist trap fun. My husband planned on putting the kids to bed early that night to cook a romantic meal (having a chef-husband sure has its perks!) just for…

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5 Crucial Weight-Loss Tricks You’re Ignoring

Habits, busy lives, stress… This not only determines what we eat, but HOW we eat. Mindful eating is becoming more important, in an increasingly fast-paced society of on-the-go meals and convenience. It actually has its roots in Buddhist teachings with an aim towards enjoying the experience of eating vs. just filling up your fuel tank.…

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“SOUPer” Immunity-Boosting Recipe For Winter

What’s a girl to do with a sick chef husband? Make him a super immunity-boosting soup, of course! OK, I admit it. I stole this recipe from his mama who lives in France. But I knew it would warm his heart and soothe his soul. Not to mention, every ingredient enhances immunity. Garlic is an…

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Don’t Let This Disease Happen To You!

Diabetes. For some, this is just a word. For those who suffer from it, it’s a life sentence. Diabetes is one of the most dangerous and disabling diseases you can acquire. It can result in a loss of vision, your kidneys, and even your limbs. And it can lead to heart attack or stroke. Currently,…

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16 Things To Stop Doing In 2016

I’m not much into making New Years’ resolutions, but I have to say, it is a good time to self-reflect, reassess goals, and create a plan for the upcoming year. This year, my husband and I made it a habit of going on “retreats,” from the advice of Craig Ballantyne. These retreats, which usually consist…

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7 Tips For Dealing With Picky Eaters

Are meal times a struggle in your house? When I met my husband, I was amazed by how his children (now my stepchildren) would eat anything put in front of them. Asparagus, oysters, stinky French cheeses… No problemo! Meanwhile, I had been struggling just trying to get my kids to eat peanut butter and jelly…

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Is Your Diet (Literally) Depressing You?

The World Health Organization predicted that depression will be the second-leading cause of burden on society across the globe by the year 2020. So what’s bringing us down? There are many factors, and diet unfortunately may be one of them. Here’s a list of foods that can turn you into a Debbie Downer: Artificial Sweeteners…

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8 Tips For Surviving Cold & Flu Season

It’s that time of year again. A hefty number of patients I see at the clinic are now coming in with runny noses and hacking coughs, followed by a trail of Kleenex. Here are 8 tips you should know now that cold and flu season has arrived. Never stop a cough when you’re hacking up…

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Exercise: What’s the Ideal Amount?

The American Heart Association recommends 150 minutes of moderate exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise per week, but what happens if you exercise more or less? A group of institutions including Harvard University and the National Cancer Institute wanted to find out. Over a 14-year period, surveys on exercise habits were collected from 661,000…

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