Quick Body Shaping Advanced Workout in Less than 20 Minutes
Time is precious! And so is your health.
I love working out, but some days I just need to get in a quick workout and get on with my day. I’m sure you can relate.
These advanced combo moves maximize metabolic load, challenge multiple muscle groups, and cut a typical weight workout down to mere minutes. Plus, because you’re using multiple movement patterns you’ll constantly fire your core and re-shape your body in no time. Use an interval timer app to keep you on track!
Try this Advanced Series next time you’re in a pinch: you’ll need a timer, dumbbells and a mat
2 x 60 seconds work: 15 seconds transition for a 17-minute workout
(Progress to 3 x thru = 26 min)
Sumo Squat & Cross Press
Standard Pushup with Lateral Knee Drive (Spiderman Pushup)
Single Leg RDL & Reverse Lunge with Bicep Curl
Reverse Bridge & Pike Pull-through
Side Plank with Pike Touch
Perfect Your Form!
Advanced Form Tips:
Sumo Squat & Cross Press:
Begin with feet set wide, toes angled out slightly, and core lifted.
Hold weights in front of shoulders with palms facing each other.
Push hips back and sit into the squat. Drive up through heels and glutes.
As you come up from the squat, rotate to the left, pivoting right foot & bring hips & shoulders to the right.
Press right arm overhead until straight, then lower back to shoulders & return to center.
Return to the Sumo Squat then Cross press to the other side.
Repeat Sumo Squat & Cross Press for the full timed interval.
Standard Pushup with Lateral Knee Drive (Spiderman Pushup)
Begin in a standard push up stance with hands set just outside shoulders & chest drawing forward.
Press belly and thighs up to keep you engaged and buoyant.
Perform a pushup being sure to maintain good form from head to toe.
At the bottom of the pushup, drive one knee up toward the same side elbow.
Replace the foot as you press back up.
Perform a pushup and lateral knee drive on the other leg. Be sure to stay engage through core, pelvic floor, and posted leg for stability through the low back.
Repeat the Pushup & Lateral Knee drive for the full timed interval
Overeat these foods and LOSE more weight
Single Leg RDL & Reverse Lunge with Bicep Curl
Begin standing on one leg, holding a dumbbell in the opposite hand with core engaged and chest lifted.
Press hips back to create a stretch in the standing leg hamstring as you bend over with a flat back.
Contract the hamstrings and glutes of the standing leg to return upright.
Step back into a reverse lunge, dropping back knee down while weight stays on the front leg.
Perform a bicep curl simultaneously as you lunge then drive up to standing through heel and glutes of front leg.
Repeat Single Leg RDL and Reverse Lunge with Bicep Curl for the full timed interval.
Repeat next interval for the other side.
Reverse Bridge & Pike Pull-through
Begin in a reverse bridge position (like Crab). Start seated with hands under shoulders, feet under hips. Press hips up creating a table with the torso and thighs. Engage hamstrings, glutes, abs, and triceps.
Lower hips, pull belly in and swing hips back and through the arms.
Legs straighten and help to push you back & up into a Pike pull-through. Feel your core tighten as you lift
Return to Reverse Bridge. Try to keep hips off the ground the whole time.
Repeat Reverse Bridge and Pike Pull-through for the full timed interval.
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Side Plank with Pike Touch
Begin in side plank with forearm on the mat; elbow under shoulder and feet stacked.
Engage thighs and core to lift into side plank then extend top arm overhead.
Lift hips slightly and tighten core as you bring top leg straight forward & top arm down to touch toes in front of belly (should look like a ½ Pike position)
Return to Extended Plank position
Repeat Side Plank with Single Sided Pike Touch for the full timed interval
Repeat next interval for the other side
Exercises too hard? Don’t Worry…Click here to see my Beginner and Intermediate Series
Written By Missi Holt