Desk Yoga for Instant Relief at Work Part I: Follow-Along Video Included!
Don’t you just get sick of sitting at your desk all day?
Me too.
I get stiff, achy, and kind of antsy. My mind starts to feel sluggish or distracted and I struggle to focus on my tasks.
But, I have found that just a little bit of movement — stretching, breathing and taking a break from looking at the computer screen — can quickly get me feeling focused and ready to dive back into work.
That’s why I developed a 4-Part Desk Yoga Series — so you can have some guided relief to your sitting woes! Follow along with me as I do Part 1.
The best part about this first sequence is that you can do it anywhere. You stay seated the whole time so it can be done at work, during travel, or anywhere you find yourself “stuck in your seat.”
It only takes a few minutes. Enjoy!
Here’s the written sequence for Part 1 Desk Yoga:
- Begin Seated at edge of chair, take a deep breath to start then 2 breaths in each pose.
- Overhead stretch: open belly
- slight back bend
- Cactus arms: engage back muscles as elbows draw down toward hips
- Overhead stretch
- Close palms and forearms together in front of face and squeeze — engage chest & shoulders
- Overhead stretch
- Side stretch, both sides breathing into side ribs
- ¼ twist to both sides; focus on engaging obliques and core muscles.
- Cat/Cow with torso — place hands on edge of desk
- Seated forward fold: straighten legs, flex feet and fold over resting arms on desk. Lengthen chest forward
- 1-leg calf stretch, both sides: with one leg straight, reach for toes
- 1-leg Figure 4, both sides: cross ankle over opposite knee and fold forward
That was super easy, right?
I really hope that you enjoyed the video and will continue to watch this Special Yoga for Pain Relief Series. I just finished recording three more videos:)
If you would like to be notified when the additional videos in this series are released, please CLICK HERE.
Plus… On the next page, You’ll be able to download my MOST POPULAR Special Report. It contains nine of my most simple and effective pain reducing stretches. I’d love to send you this report for Free…
=> Click HERE to Download “9 Super Stretches For Pain Relief”
In Love & Gratitude,
Missi Holt