11 Foods That Are Killing Your Sex Drive
Sure, a cheese plate is the perfect way to start a party or gathering or to end a serious dinner, but guests may not be taking the party back to their place if they loaded up on cheese. If derived from cow’s milk (which could be loaded with synthetic hormones), it could potentially mess with your body’s natural production of hormones, including estrogen and testosterone.
Sure, bad breath is a turn off, but you shouldn’t be turning to mint for a cure, especially if you are male. The menthol in mint lowers testosterone, which in turn depletes your sex drive.
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Ok, we are teasing with this one — sort of. Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, who invented corn flakes, believed that sweet or spicy foods inflamed the passions, and sought to depress the libido with a bland, sugarless cereal that no one could find arousing. Likely, it is the carbohydrates and grains in this cereal that deflate ones’ desires, not existential ennui.
Sure, coffee’s caffeine supply could give you increased stamina for sex, but if you’re someone who gets jittery from coffee, this will not be a love potion for you. Increased anxiety can lower your sex drive, a frequent complaint of people with caffeine sensitivity.
It may be a little surprising to find chocolate on this list, but it could be harming your sex life. Though usually thought of as an aphrodisiac because it stimulates feelings of euphoria and love, according to Dr. Michael Hirt, it will also suppress testosterone levels.
Dinner and a movie may be romantic, but that tub of microwaved popcorn could totally kill the mood, especially for men. Chemicals like perfluorooctanoic acid found in the bag’s lining can kill your sex drive and over the long term even cause prostate problems.
Staying fit and trim is usually good for your sex drive, but eating and drinking products with artificial sweeteners can be a total buzz kill. Such sweeteners, especially aspartame, directly affect your serotonin levels, a vital hormone in getting to your “happy place.”
High amounts of licorice can result in a low libido, due to a natural ingredient in the candy called glycyrrhizin, which reduces testosterone levels in men.
Another testosterone killer? Soy. Eating copious amounts of it will result in a significant drop in your libido, due to its estrogenic properties.
Not only does fried food leave you feeling sluggish, it can kill your libido. Hydrogenated fats suppress testosterone levels.
Forget “liquid courage.” Alcohol may make sex less nerve-wracking, if that’s an issue, but it can seriously damage your ability to perform. “Alcoholic beverages do a double whammy on your sex life by lowering your testosterone and your sexual functioning,” says Hirt.
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