7-Minute Belly Fat Burner Maximus Workout
If you want a workout to burn “Maximus” fat, then I have good news for you. Me and my friends Simon & Julian had a fun time last week in Lithuania and Italy creating advanced workouts and exercises.
For example, they showed me “Pull-up Maximus“. It goes like this. Do 20 seconds of pull-ups, hold the top position for 10 seconds, and repeat. If you can do that (essentially a full minute of pull-ups), then you’re darn fit. I challenged them with a 4-minute squat test…and I’ll talk more about that later this week and how important these workouts are for fat loss.
But for now, I want to give you a new workout. Remember – every Monday you get a new FREE workout from my crazy training experiences and experiments. This week it’s a Belly Fat Burner Maximus!
The Blacksmith Camp Graduation Belly Fat Burner Maximus Workout
Here is the ‘uncensored’ advanced version. A beginner version is below.
1) Spiderman Pushups (alternating sides) – 30 seconds
2) Total Body Extensions – 20 seconds, 10 second rest x 2 rounds
3) Pushup Maximus – 20 seconds pushups, 10 sec “rest” in the top position, repeat 2 more times
4) Bodyweight Squat “Punisher Maximus” – 30 seconds work, 30 seconds “rest” in the bottom position, repeat 4 times
That’s just 7 minutes of hard exercise and you’ll love it. Here are the beginner modifications…
1) Regular or Kneeling Pushups – 30 seconds
2) Total Body Extensions – 20 seconds, 10 second rest x 2 rounds
3) Plank Maximus – 20 seconds plank on elbows, 10 sec “rest” in the top of a pushup position, repeat 2 more times
4) Wall Squat “Punisher Maximus” – 20 second squat hold, 40 seconds, repeat 4 times
Unfortunately I didn’t get a group workout photo, but here’s a photo of everyone at the camp getting organized for a group photo. The 2nd photo is of me explaining my bodyweight workout program design to Sean and Stacy, two of the attendees. Great times!
Now it’s time to head home to ol’ Bally the Dog out on the farm to finish off summer.
I hope he’s reading for a Bally Maximus workout! Haha.
Today’s Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Commit to change. Success is simple once you accept how hard it is…but it’s difficult if you think it will be easy.
Discipline equals short term pain but long-term gains in progress. No discipline equals long-term pain.
Your attitude, environment, and belief in yourself are 3 keys to success. If you have these RIGHT, you WILL succeed in time.
“We are given a new day following each night so that we can choose to begin anew at ANY point in our lives. Change is a matter of CHOICE, not calendar.” – Dan Kennedy
Stay strong and push on every day,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS – Want more European…
…bodyweight workouts and vacation photos?
You will also get daily motivation tips, like this:
“Once you have determined the spiritual principles you wish to exemplify, abide by these rules as if they were laws…How long can you afford to put off who you really want to be? Your nobler self cannot wait any longer. Put your principles into practice – NOW. Stop the excuses & procrastination. This is your life! From this instant on, vow to stop disappointing yourself. Decide to be extraordinary and do what you need to do – now.” – Epictetus