5 Ab Exercises That Burn 15 Calories Per Minute
If you’re trying to lose weight, here’s where you are going WRONG.
According to the website, FitDay, jogging at 6mph burns just over 8 calories per minute. And here’s more bad news => Jogging does NOT have an AFTERBURN. So if you exercise for 20 minutes, you burn just a measly 160 calories. All that boring cardio is not even enough to burn off an afternoon treat. Booooo!
But at least cardio is better than crunches. Kind of.
Remember that Men’s Health says it takes 22,000 crunches to lose a pound. One pound of fat contains 3,500 calories, so one crunch burns just 0.159 calories. If you do 20 crunches in a minute, that’s 3 calories per minute from crunches. No wonder crunches are a WASTE of time.
You will not get a flat, sexy stomach that way. Looks like another summer of wearing T-shirts at the gym…or is it? What if you could work your abs better than you could with sit-ups while still burning 15-20 calories per minute?
As an expert trainer, I know plenty of exercises that can do that, making each one TWICE as good as cardio and FIVE times as effective as crunches.
Want to know what they are? I’ve put them in a circuit for you…
1A) KB Swing
1B) Bear Crawl
1C) KB Snatch
1D) Tuck Jump
1E) Burpee with Pullup
Whew. All of those are better than cardio and crunches for getting a flat belly…just ask Jennifer Aniston, Matthew McConaughey, and Jessica Biel, just three fit-n-sexy celebrities that use those exercises, according to Prevention magazine.
BUT…those exercises are CRAZY complex and require equipment.
So does that mean there’s still no hope for your belly?
Of course not!
We have you covered!
Get More Ab Exercises That Burn 15 Calories Per Minute Here
These moves will tighten your abs, eliminate your saggy belly, and give you a flat sexy stomach that you can show off at the beach.
Plus, when you get that flat belly system, I’m going to give you TWO free bonus programs from my Platinum Member’s vault (you’d normally have to pay $97 to get these). The two free bonus workouts are:
#1 – TT Carve-Your-Curves – This is a sexy booty body workout to get you in sexy swimsuit shape.
#2 – TT for C-B-S Abs (Chiseled, Beautiful, & Sexy) for men and women to get CB’s body – firm, flat, and fit.
Again, these are yours for free when you invest in the NEW flat belly abs system at the link below:
Get Two Bonus Workouts with the Flat Belly System here
All you have to do is click this link, get the flat belly system on that page and then email your receipt to Lesa at TurbulenceTrainingHelp@gmail.com.
She’ll send you access to your two bonus body workouts. Enjoy!
Time to flatten your belly and carve your curves for summer,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer